Epilogue: Code Broke

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Damian stood next to the entrance of the cafe with a scowl on his face. He was contemplating on leaving but knew that this was the only way to ask for assistance in winning back Ali.

"Hey Demon Spawn." A voice called from across the street.

He looked up and smacked his tongue against his teeth. "Todd." He greeted.

He's not the best person to ask for relationship advice but out of all his siblings he's the most understanding of them.

They walk into the small cafe and sit down at a booth. "So what's up, shitface?" Jason asked slouching in his seat.

"I need your assistance in...something." Damian started.

"That something be what exactly?" He questioned raising an eyebrow.

"The girl from the Gala. I'm sure you've been briefed about all of the...incidents that occurred in the family." Damian placed his hands on the table. "Well she recently trusted me with some information and she zoned out for several hours."

"Uh huh, continue." Jason tells him holding up his hand.

"She started to bleed out of nowhere and I retrieved Alfred. I didn't tell them anything about what she told me. I believe it's her story to tell." The waiter finally comes to the table.

"What can I get for you?" She asked in an overly cheery voice.

"Water and a grilled cheese." Damian ordered.

"I'll have the chili cheese burger with extra bacon and a side of fries." Jason ordered. "Also a large chocolate milkshake."

"I'm starting to think your stomach is a bottomless pit, Todd." Damian tells him while the waitress walks away.

"A man's gotta eat." Jason shrugged. "So you want me to help you with your girl problems?" Damian nods. "This is something you should've asked Dick. I'm not to good with relationships."

"Tt. I suppose you're right about that." Damian says grabbing the water from the waitress.

"I'll tell you one thing though." Jason says taking a sip of his shake. "She's not average. So try your ducking best and what happens ,happens."

"Ducking?" Damian asked.

"Sorry autocorrect, but you know what I mean." He shrugged tossing a fry into his mouth.

"Tt. You can't autocorrect words that come out of your mouth," Damian looked down at the grilled cheese and decided he would wait until he got home to eat.

"I just did." Jason says. "So I take it you're not going to eat that."

"It's not as appealing as it seemed." Is Damian's response.

Jason grabs the grilled cheese from the plate and takes a huge bite. "Your loss."
He says with a mouthful. "You're paying right?"

"You've given me nothing. Why should I treat you lunch?" Damian tells him standing up. "I'm sure father or Grayson would be happy to lend you some money."

He turns and walks out of the cafe, ignoring Jason's profanities.
I have no idea what to write so this is a temporary ending.

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