3: Broken

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"What?" Damian turns his whole body towards me.

"They broke almost every bone in my body, allowed me to befriend someone before stabbing a knife through his chest and they did a lot of shock therapy." I lean my head against his shoulder. "I don't have any physical scars but mentally... it's a whole mess up there."

"Something else happened..." He waits for me to continue.

"Yes there were experiments. With the Lazarus pit. As you know it can be used to heal fatal wounds to the body and soul." I turn my head. "But sometimes it can be a prison for certain beings an example being the enchantress. Her blood was a key component in the experiments I went through."

"So you have to same abilities as her?" He asked turning my head.

"No, think of it as a connection... I can use certain abilities and she's a guide to help me with them." I think back to my dream from earlier. "Her and her siblings share a similar connection which is why I think the person who did this to me is one of those benevolent beings. I would have to ask her."

"You do realize that she's one of the most powerful villains in the world and is currently trapped in a scientist's body." I scoff.

"No, she recuperating in Moone's body she can leave whenever she wants. Just in my head." I close my eyes and cross my legs. "wede inē na, Enchantress." I whisper. My projectiles version of myself is standing in a dark room. I look down at myself and see that I'm in ancient clothing.

"Alana..." I look around and she steps out of the shadows. She walks up to me and touched my face. She looks down at the bandage on my arm. "Hurt...who."

"I don't know she wasn't human." She places her hand on the wound and it heals slowly.

"Show... me." I place my hand on her head and send her images of the woman.

"Do you know her?" I ask slowly so she can process the words.

"Dea Tacita." She hissed. "Bad...goddess...evil sister.." I nod.

"Show me."

"Another time, your friend is worried." I'm taken out of the dream and see Damian, Bruce and Alfred standing in front of me. The sun is rising in the horizon.


I glare at Damian as I sit on the examination table in the batcave. "You we're sitting up for 7 hours straight." He tells me, "What else was I supposed to do?" Alfred dabs at the dried blood on my nose.

"Shut your mouth." I glare at him anxiously waiting for Bruce to return. That idiot told him everything. I trusted him and he broke it in seven hours.

"Tt." He leaves the room with a not so happy look on his face. Alfred starts stitching up the deep cut in my arm. I remain still with a stoic face, I've endured worse.

"You shouldn't ridicule the young master." He tells me rubbing a clear ointment on my arm. "It's not often that he shows his emotions. He was rather worried when you were out."

"Really?" I turn away feeling my face heat up. He was worried about me. I smile softly at the thought.

"Yes, he retrieved us moments before you woke. So technically it wasn't a 'betrayal' more of a worried friend looking out for another." I tilt my arm and watch as he wraps it with bandages.

"Thank you." I say jumping from the table. "Not just for the bandage, but the talk too."

"Anytime Ms. Alana." I walk out of the door into the briefing area. I run my hand across the The holographic table and sit down in one of the chairs.

I roll around in the chair until I get dizzy. I stand and stumble towards the stairs. I wait for the world to stop spinning.

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