13: Confinement

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I watch silently as the Talon guy knocks out Damian. He drags his body out of the cage and walks towards the door.

I slide out of the pannel and follow behind him slowly. He goes into a lab and I hide underneath one of the tables.

Damian is in a tube that's being filled with water. "You'll be safe here till m done."

"You think you can stop him alone?"

"Who says I'm alone?" he turns a handle and a shit load of Talon's footsoldiers start crawling out of their tubes.

They leave shortly after that. I stand up and look at Damian unconscious in the tube full of water. I look around for something to break it with.

I grab the lever and pull it. Water rushes out of the tube along with Damian.

I fall to my knees and place my ear over his mouth. He wasn't breathing. I hold his nose and breathe into his mouth before starting the chest compressions.

"Damn it, I should've payed attention in health class." I panic wondering if I'm doing this right.

I press down harder on his chest and he coughs up the greenish water.

I roll him into his side and gently slap his cheek.
"Damian, wake up." I feel my body moving and I jump up my knee hitting the person.

I let out a curse and look up at Aliesa. "What the hell?" I push my hands out and rub my head. Better than stubbing my toe.

"You know it's enough you got me in this situation and then you kick me after I save your ass." I groan and roll my shoulders with a yawn.

"Yes, I'm sorry about that by the way. What did you do to Talon?" I stand up slowly ignoring the throbbing in my head

"Nothing. He just killed like 50 people." I smiled softly for a second. I missed her voice."I'm trying to live to die another day." I nod and follow her out of the lab closing the door behind me.

"So, where exactly did he go?" I ask standing in front of the exit.

"He said something about a Batcave." I let out a groan and move faster. and snatch the tablet out of his hands and tap the red button. Water starts to flow into the room.

"Oh the rest of my family-team is there." we started running down the street until we reached the alley where I left my motorcycle.

"That's bad he left 10 minutes ago." she tells me while I rev the engine.

"Ayy, what about me?" I grab her arm and pull her onto the bike. She sits behind me.

"Hold on tight."

I send a silent prayer to God that I'm not too late.

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