Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:

*First day of school*

There's nothing worse than having to sit in the same place for 8 hours. Staring at blank wall,and having annoying ass teachers go on and on about shit I'm never going to use in life.

I waited in the courtyard with my four best mates until the bell rung. First period was science and so I took my normal spot in the back of the room when a blonde girl ,dressed in dark colors, and a black beanie that holds back some of her curls came and sat right next to me. She had a pierced nose and ears with thick eyeliner that made her crystal blue eyes pop! I must have been looking at her to long cause she asked me,

"Can I help you?"

I chuckled at her comment.

"That's cute ,but actually its what I can do for you. You see I always sit here, and that's wanna change for new girl who thinks she's the shit." I said probably not nice.

"I'm sorry but I don't see a name here so I guess its available." She simple set her things next to me stayed quite the whole class.

Who is this chick? I like her but not like that . I'm glad that Holmes Chapel High school is getting a change.

Well the rest of my first senior year day was pretty shitty and I'm glad its now time for lunch. I need to find my four best mates.

"Man this party Friday is going to be sick!" Louis said while stealing Liam chips and Liam catching Louis in his act slapping his hand away.

"Yea it is I'm going to have basically everyone from school there." Zayn stated.

The lunch room doors open up and that new girl from science come in looking for a place to sit. She really wasn't that bad looking ,but I hate the way she looks at me. It kinda pisses me off.

"Do you guys know who that is?" I asked

"Ohh yea that's Riley Moore, she moved from California ,and she's smoking hot!" Liam said failing to see Louis successfully stealing a chip.

I laughed at their childness.

"I'm going to go ask her to eat with us." Louis said getting up winking and within minutes heading back with her in his arms.

Riley's POV:

Today has been an okay day. Beside my encounter with the jerk in first period. I found out that I made the volleyball team. Which was great because at my old school I played on varsity. I made two new friends one black headed , named Katie and she's on the volleyball team with me. A brown head girl, named Amber she was so sweet to me showing me all my class, but considering she had over half of them with me. Madison was another girl I meet today. Comes to find out she is best friends with Katie and Amber.

Lunch couldn't have came any slower though.

I walked into the lunch room and could literally feel everyone's eyes on me. I tried to ignore them and just look for my friends when I felt someone arm wrap around my neck.

"Um who are you? I mean I'm not trying to be mean ,but I don't know you and your arm is around my neck." I said removing his arm.

"Well my apologizes my name is Louis Tomlinson and I would like to invite you eat with my friends and me." Louis said.

This boy named Louis had many tattoos , pierced lip, and eyebrow came up and asked me if I wanted to eat with him and his friends. I agreed and we started walking over there.

Louis first started with Niall Horan, he has blonde hair and also pierced lip and eyebrow.

Than it was Liam Payne , he had a quiff hairstyle and tattoos ,but no piercings.

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