Chapter Eleven

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They rode out the storm in Rey's room, studying the Jedi texts together. It was so bad they would hear the howling from the wind and the rain beating against the side of their base. If they looked out the small window, they could see it happen. It was nearly as dark as it was at night, and every so often a lightning flash would illuminate everything around them, followed by a boom of thunder that shook them to the core.

Rey was a little disturbed by the storm, having lived on Jakku her entire life, she wasn't accustomed to such things. She and Ben sat on the floor, him leaned against the bed, and her leaned against him, back to chest. Every time the thunder sounded, she would jump a little.

"It's perfectly normal, in fact it could be worse." Ben said over her shoulder.

"Yes, well to me it sounds like chaos. My shelter on Jakku would hardly hold up to this." Rey reminded him.

He kissed her shoulder as she tried to decipher the ancient language on the pages.

And that was when the power gave out and the emergency lights came on, dimly lighting everything.

"Of course." Rey said, standing up. "I can't stay in this room all night, I need to move around. This storm is driving me insane."

She held her hand out to help Ben up.

"And where are you going to go?" He asked. She shrugged in response.

"Let's go train."

Ben agreed and followed her out of the room and down the hallways into the training center. Others around them were also roaming around, restless and needing something to do.

They reached the training center and Ben instructed her to take out her lightsaber. They had worked on it together and gotten it working properly, now when Rey trained by herself, under Ben's careful instruction, she used it to get a better feel. A wooden staff didn't feel quite the same, so they only used those when they practiced fighting against each other.

They trained well into the night, to the point of exhaustion. Rey was ready for bed after hours, and Ben agreed. They both showered again to rid themselves of the odor of sweat, and then retired to Ben's room for the night.

And once again they were woken up far too early.

The power was back on, the storm had ended, but sirens were going off. Rey and Ben woke up and dressed quickly and hastily, then set off to find Organa.

"Ben!" She exclaimed as she ran up to them, finding them first. "We have to get out, the First Order is here but we're not prepared for an attack. The storm did us no favors, take Rey to the front of the base, we have an escape plan."

She ran off to retrieve and wake more people after hugging her son and Rey.

Ben pulled Rey by the hand to the front of the base, a difficult feat for her considering the difference in their size and the fact that she had a bag hastily packed with the Jedi texts, her lightsaber, and a few other important things.

They finally made it to the front and were escorted out. They were told that the city was sending out decoys to distract the First Order and allow the rebellion a chance to escape, hopefully unnoticed. Rey was sad and grateful at the same time, the people here would pay dearly to save her life and everyone else's so they could have a chance to win the war.

As soon as everyone was inside, they were whisked away and off the planet before the First Order could take notice.

Ben, exhausted from getting barely any sleep, fell asleep along a couch almost immediately after takeoff. Rey was too full of adrenaline to do such a thing, and ended up sitting at a table and fiddling with her blaster. That was until General Organa took a seat across from her.

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