Chapter Seventeen

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Life was very different after that. The birth of the child of two Jedis was announced to the school, and spread quickly throughout the galaxy.

Han Solo was already a famous name, and it would now be known as the infant who came from the bloodline of Darth Vader, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Ben Solo, and Rey, the greatest hope the rebellion had when the war was in full motion.

Ben spent as much time as possible at home, helping his wife with their son, who he would never tire of looking at. Any fears he had of being a father were gone, replaced by confidence and a need to protect and provide for this tiny person.

He told Han stories about his family, which proved to be the easiest way for him to soothe the infant.

What proved to be the most amazing sight in the galaxy was the image of Rey, deeply asleep with Han looking content as he had ever been.

Ben came home from holding a class, unable to avoid some duties. And he walked into their bedroom to find his family fast asleep. How beautiful did his wife look making his child feel safe and loved?

It couldn't have been four months after the birth of Han when Rey discovered she was feeling the exact same way she had when she was carrying Han. She groaned and reluctantly visited with her doctor, who confirmed she was carrying yet another member of the Solo family.

Ben was overjoyed, and told Rey he was excited for the bond their children would have, being so close in age. They were both without siblings, which is something Ben wish he'd had growing up.

Rey snapped at him, informing him that it was easy for him to say when he wouldn't be the one carrying and birthing the child. She felt like she had just gotten past the sleepless phase and now she was starting over.

Luke Solo was the easiest of her two boys. He hardly cried, slept all night very early on, and was very independent, where Han was was needy with his mother.

"And you were concerned." Ben wrapped an arm around his wife's waist as they watched their sons sleep.

"No more children, Ben Solo." Rey declared to her husband.

At three years old, Luke showed signs of being sensitive with the Force. Ben swelled with pride, and Rey had to remind him that it wouldn't do to show favoritism, as Han hadn't shown any abilities yet. Neither of them wanted one of their children to feel less important and loved because they weren't Force users.

But just as they were certain that Han possessed no abilities, he was climbing a tree under his mother's supervision when a branch broke under his weight. Rey dived to catch her older son as Ben turned away with Luke in his arms so he wouldn't see his brother take a fall.

And there was Han, slowly dropping to the ground, unknowingly using the Force to lessen the impact significantly.

Rey repeated over and over that he was no longer allowed to climb that high and kissed her son, grateful for his safety.

Both boys joined their class at the proper age, Luke slightly jealous of Han because he was older. But their father still gave them private lessons at home.

Rey had sworn off having anymore children, but being outnumbered by three boys in her home and teaching the smallest of the pupils at the academy made her oddly long for a little girl to bond with.

"Ben, what do you think about having one more child?" She inquired as they sat back and watched their children play with their friends.

"I though you said no more." Ben said from his place behind her. He was sitting on a rock, with Rey on the ground positioned between his knees.

"I know, but I want to try once more for a girl."

"We can have as many as you want." Ben brushed his fingers along his wife's hairline. She craned her back to gawk at him.

"I'm drawing the line at three, we have enough on our hands." She informed him.

It was true, along with their own children, there were others here who were like Rey, and had no family to speak of. Whether it was through abandonment or tragedy, Rey personally took responsibility for them and treated them as her own, so no child here would know what it was like to be completely alone.

And so with Han being five, and Luke four, Ben and Rey were successful in conceiving a third child. The boys were more than eager to help their mother in any way, excited for a younger sibling to dote on.

Rey decided this time she didn't want to know if she was carrying a boy or a girl before giving birth. Whatever the outcome, she would love her youngest child. Even if she did end up in a sea of testosterone.

The time came much earlier than she counted on, and progressed much quicker. This child was here within an hour, a quick and much less painful birth than Han and Luke.

And Rey was pleasantly surprised to find it was a girl. She was certain it was a third boy, she felt nearly exactly the same as she had with her sons. But it was a girl.

Leia cried more than she ever had in her life when they announced that the baby girl was deemed Leia Solo.

"After the woman who never lost hope for me." Ben kissed his mother's head as she held her new grandchild.

Leia was adored by all, she had her mother's lightly colored eyes, but her father's dark and thick hair. Ben thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

Her brothers were her biggest admirers. As she grew, she followed them everywhere and they indulged her. They watched out for her every second, and Rey couldn't be prouder of her boys.

She was also their third and final child to show her Force abilities, and at only two years old.

Rey and Ben were both surprised, unsure if any of their children at all would inherit the ability. But they supposed the gene was too strong, they were a family of Jedis.

"Can you believe how far we've come?" Rey asked her husband as they watched their teenage sons help their ten year old sister after classes.

Ben could hardly believe it. He thought he had it all figured out, Kylo Ren was who he was and was his destiny. When he became infatuated with Rey, he brushed it off. When they began sleeping together, he denied any possibility of there being anything more between them. He could still feel the blaster shot in his back when he thought about the memory.

And then there was Rey, yelling profanities and insults at who turned out to be her entire future. If anyone had told her that after he captured her in the woods, she would have called them unstable and delusional. But it made for some interesting stories for their children as they got older. She had lost hope in Ben after he proposed to rule the galaxy with her, she thought he was dead and only Kylo Ren remained. She couldn't have been more wrong.

Embracing the gray in the Force was the greatest achievement to date. As far back as anyone could remember, any sliver of darkness was frowned upon and needed to be snuffed out. But Ben and Rey learned it was okay to have both within you, and taught their pupils that everyone had darkness within them, but they also had light. They taught them to achieve balance and harmony within themselves to become the greatest generation the Jedi had ever had.

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