Chapter Five

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He had been shot. When realization hit her, she darted forward to protect him. She armed herself with her blaster and saber, refusing to leave him there. He was alive, she could feel it. She just needed to wait until she could move him somewhere safe.

That's when the chaos ensued. General Hux stepped forward, and Rey realized that he was the one who took the shot. He barked orders and marched back to the safety of his ship, and it took everything in her not to follow and destroy him for shooting Ben in the back.

Rebels rushed into the heat of the battle, and she remained where she was, shielding his body with hers. Ben refused to engage in combat with her, she wouldn't leave him to be finished off.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Organa herself and a pair of men were there, flanked by fighters to give them cover. She touched Rey's shoulder and the frightened girl whipped around. She realized they were here to move him and stood up. One grabbed his arms and the other his legs, and they all ran back to the ship.

Ben was rushed to the infirmary, to a bed where he was rolled onto his stomach and his shirt cut off, exposing the wound in his back. It was dead center, Hux would pay with his life. Rey would do it herself if Ben was lost.

They went to work and Organa grabbed Rey gently by the arm. Rey didn't want to move, she watched them begin to clean away at his wound, desperately hoping he could be saved.

"Rey, we can't stay. They need to be able to work." Organa coaxed the girl into leaving.

By this time, everyone was rushing back in and reporting that with the attack of one of their leaders on another, the First Order was leaving and they were safe for now. Only one life lost and a handful wounded.

Genera Organa walked them both to a quiet room, away from anyone who could listen in. They sat at a table and the older woman sighed.

"I think you need to explain yourself." She said gently.

Rey nodded and deeply inhaled, wondering where to begin. She couldn't say everything, she didn't want to divulge that much information, it was too personal.

"Ben and I have been connected through the Force." She began. At the use of her son's name, Organa raised her eyebrows. No one called him that but her and Han.

"It's been up and down, it started when I went to find Luke. And continued on a few more times, the last time I saw him was when we made our escape from the old base. I began to block him from seeing me, I thought that I had gotten through to him but when Snoke died, he showed me I hadn't yet. One night my guard was down in my sleep and he came to me. We began regularly interacting."

That put it lightly, but again, the General didn't need to know the extent of the relationship between her son, leader of the First Order, and the girl who was the last Jedi and great hope of the rebellion.

"You got through to him." She stated.

"It appears I did. We spent time together, both of us knowing how it would end. But I had hope for him."

"That's why you were so confident that he wouldn't harm you."

"For a moment, when he raised his saber, I thought I failed. I didn't want to hurt him, I was ready to accept whatever he would do."

In a very surprising move, Organa held Rey tightly.

"Thank you for giving me my son back." She said, sobbing a little.

Together, the two of them went back to the infirmary to check on him. They could see through a window. His wound had been stitched up, he had a steady stream of some form of medication through an IV, and he was breathing on his own. His arms and legs were also restrained.

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