Chapter 15: Something worth protecting.

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Chapter 15 Plot:

Chapter 15: "Something worth protecting." The warriors find themselves backed against a wall when things spiral out of control. All that they can do at this point is shield the best way they can, but even that proves to be a challenge! When the situation turns bad, it seems it could be the end.


As Vegeta allows his pride to blind him from what may just kill him, everyone puts in their best efforts to keep Android 17 out of Cell's and Vegeta's grasp. But the fate 18 had is drawing closer to him!

Things turn for the worst, and everyone has enough of it. Standing up against Vegeta leaves everyone feeling distraught on what to do. But what happens next may be the biggest step for anyone to take! Sticks and stones may break their bones, but words will certainly hurt!

A/N: Espeon804 here with another great chapter! YO, THIS WAS A TOUGH ONE TO WRITE!

WELCOME to OTES where in this alternate tinline, nearly every character is emo and edgy! Hooray!

I had to make the joke. I apologize.

Also, I had to take a HUGE chunk. Over 6,000 words from this chapter and put it in the next. It was kinda crowded… so what was planned to take place here, you will see in chapter 16.



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WORDS: 21,537

Chapter ThemesPlease DO listen to music when prompted in the story! It will make it even more epic!

Add to a YouTube URL and take a listen.

1) /watch?v=bKNHCOjQjAQ

2) /watch?v=IOMfnmsL7iw

3) /watch?v=oG2a0LG1Zmo

4) /watch?v=KemOsQ9UJAE

5) /watch?v=TerK-VPLvuc

Open that YouTube tab and get ready.

Story Codename: OTES

That is a legit name.

I'll let you have fun with that. Go to someone you know who loves Dragon Ball, and ask them; "Have you ever read OTES?" and tell me their response/reaction. XD

Then, show it to them if they ask.

Seriously. Dragon Ball Z OTES!

Okay. That was dumb.

(They won't be able to find it if they look up the story by those letters, though. They will have to find it by the actual meaning.)

PLEASE DO watch this video! Tarble fighting villains, yay! You will even know what he sounds like. (Add links to YouTube URL)

Book 4: The Dissonance of The Earthling Saiyan (Dragon Ball Z)Where stories live. Discover now