Chapter 12 | The Trip

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"Oh boy where did I put it?"

" I could've swore it was in my Biology book."

I mumbled and fumbled around my room, talking to myself and dipping up in everything to find this stupid piece of paper.

" Is it in my table drawers?"........" Nope its not there."

" Is it in my English book?"........." Nope its not there either."

" Is it in my bag?"............................" Nope its definitely not there either."

And I was starting to get frustrated, giving up and cursing the freaking paper out like its a human being.

" Whatever go to hell." I shouted.

" Who should go to hell?" I stood stocked at aunt's question or more like appearance I almost catch an heart attack.

" God Aunt are you trying to kill me?" I asked shocked.

" No I'm trying to find out who should go to hell" she answered and I giggled.

" I can not find the permission slip I got for the trip."

" The one about Bullying?"

" I don't know, I never read it"

" Well I'm telling you" she stated firmly.

" Wait how did you know?"

" Lets just say that I have my ways." she replied with a smirking smile.

Okaaaay, not only did James had his ways but Aunt too.

Why the hell am I even thinking about him anyway.?

Aunt went to her room and came back, handing me a very similar piece of paper like the one I had and I can't but feel like she stole mine but then again she said that she had her ways.

" Fill it up and hand it back for me to sign it." She commanded.

I did what I was told, packed my bag for my stupid ass trip and went to eat breakfast. It was Friday, and almost two whole day since I've talked and last seen Ren. With this taught I sighed in frustration.

" Tash remember that we still haven't talked about....

" I know, I know aunt." Cutting her off and chanting like a frustrated kid, rolling my eyes in the top of my head. I'm still actually getting over this, I know its been a couple of days almost a week but who wouldn't. I did made a huge mistake anyway.

And I could've seen the look of feeling distant on her face.

" I promise I'll talk to you about it soon" I spoke, almost whispering. Returning back to my cheese sandwich and Frosted Flakes. Aunt had made extras today so I could bring some along with me.

" Are you ready?" she asked sweetly probably trying to break the little tension.

" Yes, just let me get a bottle of water."

" Meet me by the car" she said but she didn't left any room of space for me to protest.

Closing the door behind me and doing a re-scan in my head for what seems like a thousand time, ensuring that I have everything especially that slip.

" So why did you planned on driving me today, I taught that I was going to take the bus the school provided." I asked as I landed in the black SUV, but she didn't answer so I let it be.

Eyeing my surrounding every Goddamn thing you can find in this car and I got to admit, in here do looks much better than the first time. Replaying the first exact time I came inside this machine.

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