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 I woke up to my annoing alarm clock ringing very loudly. A reminder that i have to get up for work. Great! My head is pounding because of the huge hangover i have and all this noise isn't helping. I really shouldn't have drank so much last night. I usually dont drink as much but last night I had to forget some things and alcohol helps i guess. But after all I did have fun, right? Well i think i did, everything is a blur. The only thing i remember is someone carrying me to bed and singing me to sleep, it was probably Ashton. I can't remember anything else though. I've had woken up like this many times but i usually remember things.

After about 15 minutes of just lying in bed and trying to remember what happened last night, I gave up and finally got up and to take a quick shower. I quickly changed into my work clothes, which are just jeans and a t-shirt, i grabbed my hair into a ponytail and threw on some random pair of converse. I walked into the bathroom and applied a fair amount of makeup on. Once i was satissfied i walked to the kitchen and sat on the  island, across from my brother.

"Here you go" he sighed and gave me some asprin. He sounded.... off, usually he jokes about me coming home drunk but this time it was like if he was disappointed. Of course he should be disappointed every time i come home drunk but he never is, i don't know why this time it's so different.

I thanked him and grabbed a bottle of water. "What's wrong?" i asked him, ok that was a stupid question but i couldnt stand the awkward silence that had grown in the room.

"What's wrong?! What's wrong is you coming home at 3 in the morning drunk! Do you even know who brought you home!?" he yelled.

"No.." I might not know who brought me home but hey at least i came home! I just don't understand why he's so angry about this.

"This has got to stop! I'm done with all of this! I thought this would be just a faze but it's been almost a year Brooke! A whole damn year! Do you even know what today is!?"

"no." i lied. Of course i knew what today was but i just didn't want to talk about it.

"You really are unbelievable. From now on no more parties or getting drunk!"

"You can't do this to me! It hasn't been easy for me either Ash! I loved them too ok!" i yelled in frustration

"You're going to do as i say and that's the end of this! I don't want to speak of this antmore! We're going to visit mum and dad later so come straight home when you're out of work" Ashton said as he walked out the kitchen.

I walked out of our apartment and headed to work. There is no need for me to take the car since Cafe i work at is only a block away. I checked the time on my phone, 10 am. Luckly i arrived just on time, my boss won't kill me now. Miranda is my boss, she's in her early 20's, she's blonde, blue eyes, pretty. She's probably the only girl i get along with but work is work and she does get pretty frustrated when i arrive late. 

"Just on time!" she says smiling at me. "We have a newbie." Newbies are what we call the new employees. 


"You have to train him" 

"Me? Why me?" i asked annoyed. I never train the newbies.

"You're the only one working." she shrugged "he's sitting over there" Miranda pointed at a blonde guy with blue eyes. He was sitting in a booth looking around.

I walked to him and he turned to me and smiled.

"Hi Brooke"

"Hi?"   How does he know my name? I dont even have my name tag on. Miranda probably told him, duh!

"Im Luke"

"Ok Luke, you have a lot to learn"

I taught him how to do several drinks, he was a quick learner. Maybe he won't be such a horrible co-worker. Through out the day it seemed as if Luke wanted to tell me something but everytime he was about to say something he would freeze and just go back to do whatever he was doing. Pretty awkward if you ask me. His eyes seemed familiar, they're pretty.

"Last night was... interesting. Well see you tomorrow" Luke says as we were about to head out.

"I don't work tomorrow" i replied, ignoring his first comment. I have no idea what he's talking about and i just want to get home.

"I meant at school.."

"Huh?" i asked confused

"We have class together, math class"

"oh" i said and began to walk away

"Brooke!" he yelled and i turned around


"Don't wear so much makeup, you look better with out it" and with that he left. He left me standing there shocked. No one has ever said that. No one has ever seen me without makeup.. Only Ashton.

Luke was really something else. It was pretty weird that i didn't recognize him, maybe because i always skip maths class or don't pay attention at all. Great, he knows who i am and goes to the same school as me. He seemed pretty cool even when he acted pretty awkward. I thought it'd be nice to make a new friend who wouldnt judge me but obviously he knows who i am. The SLUT of Biltmore High School. (i made up that school, ihave no idea if it actuall exsists)

Ashton and I are now at Mum and Dad's grave. It's been a year since they died in that terrible car crash. I was only 15, almost 16 and Ashton was 18. We sat on the grass and stayed quiet for a while.

"I miss you Dad, a lot. We really need you here mum. I can't handle things anymore..." Ash said and broke into sobs. I know he meant me when he said "I can't handle things anymore" and i want to be better but right now i can't.

"Im sorry Mum, Dad. I need you guys here. All of this is just too much. i love you" Tears rolled down my face and i just couldn't be here. It's been a while since i visit Mum and Dad. I could never stand being here, it'd bring too much memories.  I walked away and Ash trailed behind. 

We arrived home and everything was silent, just like the car ride home. "Ash.."

"Yeah?" he whispered, bearly loud enough to hear.

"I love you" I never say this to Ashton but i felt the need for him to know. I appreciate everything he does for me but there's things i can't change.

"I love you too"

I walked to my room and jumped onto the bed. I layed there and just starred at the ceiling.

Our parents death hasn't been easy on neither of us. I began partying a lot and getting drunk every night. I started hooking up with every guy and i became the school's slut. Every girl's dream! *note my sarcasm* Maybe i became popular and i had fun but that still didn't take away the pain. Well there's no going back now. I like going out to parties and getting drunk, it helps me forget for a while. This is who i am now and i can't change.  

I thought about Luke... He knows what kind of a person i am and still treated me nice. Hey maybe he wants to be fuck buddies. I laughed at my thoughts. Luke is a nice guy, why would he want to mess around with someone like me? 


A/N: Hi lovelies! Thanks for reading please bare with me i am new at this. Anyway Vote, Comment, Follow! I will do the same! Kay bye! :)


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