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"You don't remember do you?"

Remember what? Is there something i should know?

I shook my head.

"Me and You, at the party. That's what happened"

Oh god i slept with him didn't i? 

Luke began laughing. Did i say that out loud? Ugh could i be any more embarrassing?

"No we didnt have sex Brooke, calm down"

I sighed in relief. "Then what happened?"

Luke opened his mouth but he was cut off by the door flying open... Ashton.

At least that's who i thought it was. When i turned to look at the person who opened the door it was definately not Ashton. It was Daniel. Great! What is he doing here?! 

"What is he doing here? With you!" Daniel growled once he noticed Luke sitting on my bed.

I stayed silent. What was i suppose to say, oh i brought him over so we could talk? No. Daniel and i are not exactly dating, i mean we haven't dated or hooked up with anyone else since me and him started hooking up. But that doesn't mean we're dating. At least not officially. Daniel has asked me several times to be his girlfriend but i always change the subject or act like it's all a joke. I'm not ready to date not since... Anyway the point is i Don't date.

"Are you guys fuck buddies now?!" Daniel continued

"Of course not! Do you know who he is?!" I laughed. Ok maybe i shouldn't have said that, i didn't mean for it to come out in a bad way but seeing the look in Luke's face, i know it came out wrong.

"Then tell him to leave!" Daniel demanded

"He uh.. he came to see my brother. He's not leaving." I lied. Obviously Luke wasn't here to see Ashton but he couldn't leave and Daniel couldn't know that he was here because i wanted him to be here.

"Make him leave or i will!" Daniel grabbed me by my arm. This was the first time Daniel had ever hurt me physically. He had never been aggressive towards me so this took me by surprise.

"Let go!" i hissed in pain. I tried pullling away but his grim on my arm grew tighter.

"She said to let her go!" Luke growled now standing on his feet and glaring at Daniel

"Look Mr. Punk Rock i suggest you to get out of here before you get your arse kicked!"

Luke snorted "And who's gonna kick my ass, You? Please."

By now Luke and Daniel were face to face, hands into fists, and glaring at eachother with so much anger.  At the moment i'm not sure what to do. Someone can take a swing at the other anytime soon. And how will i stop the fight? I should call Ashton. Or at least try to break them up now.

"Daniel you should go."

"I should go? why doesnt he go?"

"Dani please, we'll talk tomorrow."

Daniel sighed and turned around. I thought he was leaving until he turned back around and punched Luke right in the face. Clearly Luke was caught off gaurd, stumbling slightly. He caught his balance and balled his hand into a fist. Luke punched Daniel and knocked him to the ground. Whoa, i did not see that coming. Luke was now on top of Daniel contineously beating him. I had to put a stop to this before they got even more hurt.

"Luke! Luke you have to stop!" i yelled but he ignored me

"Luke! Stop!" i said, fear showing in my eyes. I was scared. Luke seems really angry and i have no idea on how to get him off of Daniel! 

"LUKE STOP! PLEASE STOP!" i yelled once more

I seemed to have caught Lukes attention and when we made eye contact he stopped. His eyes were no longer sparkly blue, they were dark and dull. After a while Luke finally let Daniel go and locked himself in the bathroom. What had gotten into him?

"We're done." has the only thing Daniel said and walked out my room. 

I was left there standing like a dumbass hoping he'd come back and tell me it was all a joke and he wanted to keep going with whatever we had. Truth is i fancied Daniel yeah he might not be ready to be in  a relationship and might not be the best guy ever but he made me feel alive. So when he left me just like that it stung. It wasn't like a heartbreak or anything but it did hurt to know he didnt care enough to stick around and see what i had to say about the whole situation.

I sat on my bed and waited for Luke to come out the bathroom. I don't know what got into him but i never pictured him as an agressive type of person. He actually kicked Daniel's ass! I found that pretty amusing. I laughed at my thoughts.

"What's so funny?" i heard a voice say. It was Luke, he was standing by the doorway and had a bruise on his cheek.

"Are you ok?" i asked getting up and walking towards him

"yeah, i'm fine. Where's your little boyfriend?" 

"He broke up with me and left" Daniel and I weren't exactly going out but we had something going on and he technically broke up with me so im just going with that. 

It was silent for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence but it wasnt a comfortable silence either. I guess we were just trying to figure out what we would say next. I closed my eyes and layed m head back. Moments  later i felt my bed sink in. I opened my eyes and found Luke starring at me.

"How can i make it all better?"

"Daniel and i have been having problems don't worry about it" I said

"I didn't mean you and Daniel.."

I heard the door open and footsteps coming near the room. Ashton must have gotten home and now he's going to see Luke here.

"Hey kiddo... Luke?" Ashton said coming in my room

"Hi" by now i was pretty aware that Ashton and Luke knew eachother but i wasn't goig to question it.

"We are kind of in the middle of something.."

"Oh ok. I will be leaving to my room then." Ashton said walking out "And no funny bussiness!"

"Never!" i yelled back and both Luke and i laughed.

I layed on my bed and got underneath the covers.

"It's getting late.. i should go" Luke said looking at the time on his phone

Luke got up from my bed and walked towards the door. But before he could turn the knob i stopped him

"Luke wait! Could you.. uh.. maybe stay the night?" I don't know why i'm asking Luke to stay over but i just want him close to me. I want to be with Luke not as in have sex with him but as in just be around him.

"You really want me to?" He questioned me. Obviously he was shocked.

I nodded my head and he climbed in next to me. 

"You can get comfortable"  i said

Luke then took off his shirt and pants. I'm guessing being comfortable for him is being in boxers only. 

"Good Night Luke" I said closing my eyes

"Good Night Beautiful"

I could feel the warmth in Luke's body as he layed beside me, I could feel him breathing on my shoulder, I could feel his chest moving up and down as he breathed. I could feel a pair of arms slowly wrapping around me. I felt safe. And for once i felt wanted.


A/N: Thanks for reading Lovelies. This wasnt my best but i tried so please Give me feedback! Also i dedicate this chapter to you @5SecondsofHeartAche! Thanks for voting and commenting on my chapters you are AWESOME!! Also you were excited about me updating so that was fun.  VOTE COMMENT Follow! LOVE YA! Kay Bye! XD                                                                                      ~PolishGirl_

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