The Impossible Truth

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  The group hurried into a side corridor, Liz bringing up the rear as the Doctor led. He came to a stop at a barred entrance to a tunnel. Liz didn't seem concerned as it clanked. "There's a high-speed Vator through there."

Aubrielle stared at the tentacles that were hitting the metal bars, creating the clanking sound. Her eyes filled with tears as the wails grew louder in her head, she wanted to comfort whoever was in so much pain. Aubrielle reaches her hand out to stroke the tentacles when the Doctor pulls her hand away, bringing out his sonic as Liz asked; "Any ideas?"

No-one seemed to notice the tears in Aubrielle's eyes as Amy continued, "Doctor, I saw one of these up tops. There was a hole in the road like it had burst through, like a root."

"Exactly like a root." The Doctor explained as he examined the readings on his sonic. 

He looked back at the tentacles as he murmured, "It's all one creature, the same one e were inside, reaching out. it must be growing through the mechanisms of the entire ship."

The Doctor trailed off as he once again removed Aubrielle's hand from the creature, pulling her into him.

 "It hurts." She whispers to him.

"What? Like an infestation?" Liz asked him, ignoring Aubrielle.

"No," Aubrielle stated as the Doctor nodded slightly, giving the others different answers.

"Someone's helping it, feeding it, feeding my subjects to it." Liz spat angrily, pushing past them and walking down the corridor.

"Common, keep moving." She called back, only Amy and Mandy following her.

The Doctor began to move until she noticed Aubrielle wasn't following. She touched the Doctor's arm gently. "So much pain Doctor, so much."

"What's going on?" Amy asked coming back to them.

"What does this look like to you?" He asked them quietly.

"It's trying to break free," Amy mumbled as Aubrielle winced once again.

Aubrielle looked towards the tentacles, pain coursing through her veins as if it was her own. The Doctor watched her closely, "Oh, Amy, El."

The Doctor and Aubrielle leaned against the barriers, Aubrielle stroking one of the tentacles softly. "We should never have come here." He continued, turning to leave.

"What are we going to do? We have to help it." Aubrielle asked, and the Doctor replied grimly. "We need to first find out why and then find a way to put an end to this."

The girls nodded slowly, following the others, completely absorbed in their thoughts.

The walked into the state apartment that Liz Ten lived in, and was surprised to see the floor on one side of the room covered in glasses of different sizes, and shapes, all filled with still liquid. Liz sat down on her bed, leaning back heavily while Amy tried to clean up some of the sick that's mostly dry. Mandy and Aubrielle were speaking quietly to each other while the Doctor examined the room. "Why all the glasses?"

"To remind myself every single day that my government is up to something, and it's my duty to find out what," Liz replied not missing a beat.

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