The Sister Duo

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The TARDIS | Same Night

Aubrielle loves her sister, she loves everything about her and she's upset with herself that she never spends time with her. Even before the Doctor reappeared again, Aubrielle never spent time with her older sister. Things are going to change, and there's no time like the present.

"Amy?" The younger Pond called, looking at her sister as she laughed about something with Rory.

Amelia turned to look at her younger sister and immediately walked over to her upon noticing the serious look in her eyes.

"Yeah, what is it? Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Aubrielle trailed, glancing at the floor. "I just really miss you."

"Do you want to have a sleepover? Like we used to?" Amy asked, already knowing what her sister wanted and what she wanted as well.

"If you don't mind? We can call it quits at midnight so you can spend time with your new husband." Aubrielle teased.

"What about you and lover boy?" Amy teased back, her sister's cheeks flushed red.

Aubrielle and Amy grabbed hands and started walking down the hallway towards Aubrielle's bedroom.

"Where are you going?" The Doctor called.

"Bye boys, have fun!" Amy yelled excitedly as she pulled her sister along.

"They left us." Rory trailed, still looking at where his wife left.

"Don't frown Rory boy! You still have me!" The Doctor cheered.

Aubrielle's Bedroom | TARDIS

"So, little sister..." Amy trailed as she rummaged through a bag on the bed. "Red, Pink or clear?"

Aubrielle looked between the three glass bottle and then glanced at her nails. She thought over her outfits and skin tone for a moment before turning to her sister with a smile.

"Clear, definitely." Aubrielle confirmed. "How does it feel to be married?"

"It feels amazing. I love him, and I don't ever want to lose him, not again." Amy confessed.

"You won't, I will do everything in my power to make sure that will never happen." Aubrielle swore.

"How does it feel with Louis being back?" Amy asked her sister as she grabbed her other hand to paint.

"I love Louis being back, it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder..." Aubrielle trailed off.

"But..." Amy encourage her sister to finish.

"I still have nightmares, you know? About that night. I don't think they'll ever leave." Aubrielle whispered, her sister still holding onto her hand to comfort her.

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