Flesh and Stone (2)

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    The Doctor ran back to the wall, followed by Aubrielle and Amy.

"That's like the crack from our bedroom wall from when we were little girls." Amy spoke in disbelief. Aubrielle looked at the crack with wide eyes but said nothing although she did take a step closer to the twins.

"Yes." The Doctor confirmed.

"Ok, enough, we're moving out!" Octavian commanded.

"Agreed, Doctor?" River asked.

"Yeah. Fine?" The Doctor used the sonic on the crack.

"What are you doing?" Aurelia questioned.

"Right with you." He replied, without looking away from what he was doing.

"We're not leaving without you!" Aubrielle called.

"Oh, yes you are. Bishop?" The Doctor called back.

"Twins, Ponds, River, now!" Octavian commanded.

River grabbed Amy and Aubrielle and pulled them into the forest, the twins following the trio closely behind.

"Doctor, coming?" Aubrielle questioned him, not liking the feeling she got from him being near the crack.

"So what are you?" The Doctor looked at the readings from the screwdriver. "Oh, that's bad. Ah, that's extremely very not good." He pressed his ear against the wall, but when he turned back, he was surrounded by Angels. "Do... Not... Blink." He then climbed over the console to get past them, only to be grabbed by his jacket collar.

Byzantium, Forest...

Octavian and the clerics were walking slowly through the forest, keeping River, Amy and Aubrielle, and the twins safely in the center. Aubrielle's pace began to slow down considerably and the wind around them grew stronger. Amy paused in her steps to look at her sister. Aubrielle was starting to not feel so great, and Amy nudged River and the twins, they seem to notice that something was wrong with Aubrielle.

"Rei?" She walked over and put her hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Byzantium, Secondary Flight Deck.

The Doctor was still in the grip of the Angels.

"Why am I not dead then?" He turned to see that the Angels had their hands up to the crack as if they were worshiping it. "Good, and not so good. Oh, this isn't even a little bit good. I mean, is that it? Is that the power that brought you here? That's pure time energy, you can't feed on that. That's the power, that's the fire at the end of the universe. I'll tell you something else..." There was a loud rumbling. "Never let me talk!" The Doctor finished rambling as he then took off into the forest whilst leaving his jacket in the hands of the Angels.

Byzantium forests, Clearing.

"Rei, what's wrong?" Aurelia asked, grabbing the younger Pond's hand.

"Four." She choked out as she slowly curled up on a large moss-covered rock.

"Med-scanners, now!" River commanded and one of the clerics handed her two med-scanners.

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