The Vampire of Venice (2)

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Inside the Calvierri School

Aubrielle and Amy stood in front of the Francesco guy, the Pond sister's stomachs were turning due to Rory's terrible acting.

"So basically, both of our parents are dead from getting the plague. I'm a Gondola driver, so money's a bit tight, so having my sisters go to your school for special people would be brilliant. Cheers." Rory explained, Aubrielle cringing at the ending.

"Have we met?" Francesco asked.

"I've just got one of those faces." Rory said, laughing nervously.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Francesco responded, looking at Amy.

"She's got the same face, which is because she's our sister." Rory laughed.

"Carlo, explain yourself. Why have you brought me this imbecile?" Rosanna asked the Steward looked up.

"Signora, they have references from His Majesty, the King of Sweeden." Carlo explained.

"What?" She asked in disbelief. "Let me see." Rosanna demanded.

Rory stepped forward with the physic paper, Aubrielle holding her breath as Francesco walked in a circle around her and Amy.

"Well, now I see what got my Steward so excited. What say you, Francesco? Do you like them?" Rosanna asked.

"Oh, I do, Mother. I do." He responded, smiling at Aubrielle who shifted slightly.

"Then we would be delighted to accept them." Roseanna said slyly. "Say goodbye to your sisters." Rosanna said as Carlo started hustling Rory away.

"Tell Uncle Doctor, we'll see you both really soon, okay? We'll be fine." Amy said casually.

Carlo led the girls up a staircase into a bedroom, on the way, they passed a lot of the girls the Doctor seen before. They came to a stop in a room filled with many beds.

"There are clothes on the bed." Carlo told the Pond sisters as they admired the room before them. "Get changed and wait here." After he said this, he signaled for the other girls to follow him out.

As all the girls exited the room with the Steward, Aubrielle turned around to see that one of the girls had stayed behind. A girl with the same dark complexion as their new friend. Giving her a hint on who she might be.

"Hello, I'm Aubrielle. What's your name?" Aubrielle introduced.

"Isabella." The girl responded, not turning around to face the sisters. The two Ponds glance at each other before racing over to sit on the edge of Isabella's bed.

"Listen, we're going to get you out of here. But, I need you to tell us what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?" Aubrielle asked, unable to give the girl more details. It seemed to work though as Isabella moved to look at the Pond sisters, a faint desperation in her eyes.

"They, er, they come at night. They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon." Isabella explained quietly.

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