Day of the Moon (2)

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| Inside the Car | Later that night |

Canton drove carefully up the driveway towards the large mansion, his eyes looking at the road as Aubrielle watched the raindrops trailing down the window. She watched as they pulled up to Greystark Hall Orphanage.

"In just a few days, mankind will set foot on the Moon for the first time." The radio played in the background as they drew up to the building. "Today, the President reaffirmed America's commitment-"

Canton turned off the radio as he turned off the car, the sound of the engines cutting out.

"Before we start, I have a question." Canton said, turning to the girl in the backseat as Amy occupies the front.

"What is it?" Aubrielle replied.

"Are the twins your children?" Canton bluntly questioned. "I know that I'm new to the whole time-travel thing but it's possible right?"

Aubrielle didn't reply for a moment, she fought back tears as she pressed the nails of her skin into her palms harshly. When the pain left her she lifted her gaze to Canton. "No, they aren't."

The silence in the car is almost deafening and Amy could hear the heartbreak in her sister's voice.

"Ready?" Canton questioned them, trying to get out of the suffocating car.

"Ready." The sister's confirmed. Aubrielle turned to Amy. "Check?"

Amy looks at her palm which is clear of tally marks.


Canton and Aubrielle do the same, exchanging looks. "Clear."

| Earlier that Day | Inside TARDIS |

The Doctor has injected something into Canton's palm, making the agent flinch back. "Ow!"

"Ha." The Doctor laughed as he turned to Rory next, waving the injection gun around. "So, three months. What have we found out?"

"Well, they are everywhere." Rory said as he braced himself for the injection. "Every state in America." The Doctor injected him. "Ahh."

"Not just America, the entire world." The Doctor corrected.

"There's a greater concentration here, though." Aurelia pointed out as she received her injection.

"Ow!" Amy complained, pulling her hand away from the Doctor after he injected her and Louis.

Louis walked over to the Doctor and grabbed the injecting gun and walked over to Aubrielle smiling brightly at her as he grabbed her hand.

"What do cows read?" Louis questioned.

"What?" She exclaimed, eager to know the answer.

"A cattlelogue" Louis joked as he injected her hand, the joke distracting her from the pain.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor questions the Pond sisters.

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