Playing Nurse

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"You are the worst patient ever" (y/n) stated burying her head in her hands before slowing moving the hands to reveal her face to the woman who sat pouting on the couch.

"I am not I just wanted my girlfriend to come over here and give me some special attention."

"I've given you nothing but attention for two whole days you are driving me crazy."

Two brown eyes shone brightly with tears, she had been this way since she had left the hospital five days ago, easily moved to tears. "You are going to leave me?"

(y/n) sighed in defeat, looking into those eyes made her feel like the worst human being ever to have lived.

"Yes you are driving me crazy but no, I am not going to leave."

"Really?" It's like looking after a child.

"Yes really."

"So you will come over here and keep me warm."  Alex cast her a lecherous grin lifting the blanket that covered her, making (y/n) laugh despite herself.

"Fine but you can't tell Kara she told me to look after you."

(Y/n) made her way to sit next to the injured woman, leaning her head against her shoulder as Alex threw the blanket over her too.

"See this is nice." Alex smiled happy that she got to cuddle with the hot chef, (y/n) had been so afraid she would hurt her she had stuck rigidly to Kara's rules even when what Alex had wanted the most was to be like this with her.

Sinking deeper into Alex's warm body (y/n) smiled and closed her eyes enjoying the closeness she offered.

"This thing you have." Alex broke the silence suddenly.

"What thing? "

"This thing where you like to date men."

(Y/n) frowned. "I'm not dating any men."

"I mean in general, I want to be your only one."

Twisting herself until she faced a rather subdued looking Alex (y/n) frowned. "Are you asking in a really bad way to be exclusive?"

" Kind of. " Alex's face blushed a deep red.

"I thought we always were, have you been seeing other people?" Just the thought of someone else touching Alex made her feel so angry she could barely keep from clenching her teeth together.

"No of course not, I just wanted to be clear just in case." She hadn't missed the attention ( y/n) got mainly from the men who crossed her path, and each time she loathed it.

"Good." Happy ( y/n) returned to her previous spot snuggled up close to her girlfriend, her girlfriend who no one else could have, the thought made her smile.

"I don't like when guys look at you," Alex whispered.

"It doesn't matter what they do Alex as long as I'm not interested in them." ( y/n) tried to be diplomatic in her response, ever since Alex Danvers had entered her life, she had found it hard to notice anyone else.

"What if you are one day?"

"Alex I could ask the same question to you, there are no guarantees about anything." Alex felt disappointed she wanted a firm reply one that told her in no uncertain terms that ( y/n) was hers and hers alone, getting shot had made her realize how much she needed that and more from the chef.

"I can guarantee there won't be anyone else," Alex replied quietly.

Again turning her head until she was fully facing her, she took in the sad look in her eyes and felt the pang of remorse. "Alex I don't want anyone else, only you."


(Y/n) smiled. How can she be so dense and so sweet at the same time? "Yes." Before Alex could say anything else (y/n) cut her off with a kiss, not the chaste ones they had shared since Alex had been hurt, the ones that had left the woman feeling disappointed and afraid (y/n) had lost any kind of passion for her, there was only so many times a woman could help her new girlfriend to the toilet before the romance wore off, Alex had begun to think the chef had stopped desiring her.

Alex moved forward in an effort to get closer without breaking the kiss, using her one good arm to hold her head and deepen the kiss.

So lost in their passionate embrace were they that they didn't hear the door opening and closing.

"Oh, Rao! I'm sorry."

(Y/n) jumped back guiltily her lips slightly swollen from their intense kiss, her cheeks blushing an interesting shade of red which oddly enough matched the color Kara had just turned.

Alex didn't seem to share the embarrassment of her sister and girlfriend.

"I asked you to look after her (y/n) not try and kill her by shoving your tongue down her throat."

"Err...Kara I was it was Alex she didn't give me a choice."

"So she forced you? " Kara lifted an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips waiting for a response.

(Y/n) cast a quick glance in Alex's direction. "She kinda did by being all cute and irresistible."

"Hold it I don't want to hear any more. " Kara shouted while holding her hands over her hears in a theatrical attempt to keep (y/n)'s words from meeting her.

"I brought food by the way." Marching off to the kitchen Kara safely out of earshot, ( y/n) leaned closer to Alex and whispered. "This just means she gets to eat all of it."

Alex laughed knowing that there was little point in whispering her sister had heard everything.

Returning Kara placed the boxes and cartons on the table and sat down on the floor facing her sister and (y/n) digging into the food, smirking at the knowing look (y/n) had given Alex.

"Guess who I saw today (y/n)," Kara said through a mouthful of pizza.

"I don't know."

"Just tell us Kara you know I hate these guessing games." Alex moaned.


Just the sound of her best friend's name filled her with sadness, she still wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't answer her calls or messages, (y/n) was feeling truly cast adrift while she still saw James. How is that fair?

"She hates me now." The chef sighed sadly suddenly losing her appetite.

"She asked about you."

(e/c) eyes flashed up happily wide with shock. "Really."

"Yes wanted to know how you were."

Alex flung her arm around (y/n) and held her close. "You see I told you she would come around, she just needed some time."

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