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"Oh come on Alex I just come back from Olympus I just want to go home and basically wear nothing, curl up on the sofa and watched old reruns of Petra and JR episodes of Jane the Virgin, I just know she will go down, it's the CW network after all their treatment of people of color and LGBTQ characters suck." ( Y/n) groaned as they stood outside the door.

Alex still holding onto her hand tightly. she hadn't let her go since she had materialized moments ago, she wasn't planning on doing that either. "We have to because before Lena came to the DEO she brought Bear here."

" Cat and an innocent little puppy, Alex she is Cruella De vile for goodness sake. "

Alex rolled her eyes lifting her hand to knock on the hard cold wooden door.

The chef sighed dramatically. "I still think this is a bad idea."

The door opened, Carter stood just beyond the door his face broken out in a huge smile as small tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

(Y/n) studied him for a moment. "What's so funny?"

" You need to come in. " He said through laughter.

Alex and (Y/n) exchanged confused yet intrigued glances before stepping beyond the threshold of the door, a small little bark was all they heard as suddenly Cat came into their vision, one shoe in her hand while the other lay discarded on the ground, her face set to thunder. "How dare you, you naughty little dog." She chastised.

"Err what is happening?" Alex asked, as soon as he heard her familiar voice the small dogs head swiftly turned around, his eyes lighting up as he saw both Alex and (Y/n) finally, on small clumsy legs he ran to them and bending down Alex brought him into her arms.

"You did this on purpose!" Cat accused pointing a heel at ( Y/n).

"First tell me what I'm supposed to have done?"

" Brought that crazed demon into my home and he has defecated all over my expensive shoes! "

(Y/n) didn't battle very long, the urge to laugh was simply too great. "Oh, Alex you were right, he is perfect for us." She clapped her hands together happily, Cat still growled as (Y/n) turned her attention to the dog sitting blissfully in Alex's arms. "You are such a very good boy, yes you are it's like you were giving me a welcome home gift."

" You owe me a whole new wardrobe of shoes. " Cat said firmly.

"Why do you need so many, I have like three pairs of shoes." ( Y/n) shrugged. "You are just adding to the stereotype that all women are interested in are shoes and handbags."

"You have your obsession with your spice rack." Alex shrugged.

(Y/n) turned incensed eyes on her lover. "That is a necessity for a chef Alex, it's not an obsession, what if I ran out of Cumin or Garam Masala that would be an utter nightmare."

"Come on let's get going," Alex said avoiding bringing any more to the discussion she would never win.

"Oh (Y/n) I need you to go to my birthing class tomorrow."

" What, but my Dad should be going to that! " (Y/n) stressed.

"He has an important meeting, so you are coming with me," Cat said firmly knowing the younger woman would never argue. "Think of it as punishment for what your delightful dog has done."

(Y/n) turned back to Alex seeing the amusement in her eyes. "He's back to being in the doghouse and so are you."


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