A Father's Fears

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Alex rushed to the door wincing seeing (Y/n) moving from the corner of her eye. "Okay, okay I'm coming, keep your hair on!"

She had barely enough time to pull open the door when (F/n) stormed through the door a look of fury on his face. "Where is she, we had a deal you'd call me the moment that she returned."

Alex sighed she'd forgotten all about her promise, she'd been so preoccupied with ( Y/n) that she'd just not remembered. "I'm so sorry I was just waiting until she was...."

" Is she here? "


He closed his eyes taking in a vast deep breath relief flooding his whole body, Alex stood awkwardly uncertain what she should do, the scene took her back to a few months ago when she'd had to tell him everything.

"She's what?" The man shouted his face strained the veins in his neck and forehead bulging out dangerously, he'd been asking the same thing since she had begun this very awkward reveal. 

Alex felt a lump in her throat. "(Y/n) is Superwoman and your ex-wife is a Kryptonian and she's tricked her into being stuck in the Phantom Zone, which is like a floating purgatory out in space or whatever, bu..."

(F/n) just glared at her, "Kharys was what?"

The sound of the woman's name enraged her. she'd explained all of this to him how was it so hard to understand she needed to get back to Kara and Lena, she needed to bring (Y/n) back. "A Kryptonian."

"So you're telling me I was married to a woman for fourteen years and she kept this huge thing from me and now she's holding my daughter hostage."

" Yes. "

"How do I get to this Phantom Zone I need to save my baby girl?"

" Wait, you can't you don't understand. " Alex stammered holding him back from walking out of the door, what he expected to do she had no idea, just fly off to the Phantom Zone probably, but she couldn't blame him, his daughter was in trouble and he was distraught. 

Suddenly the man leaped to his feet lifting the small table up in his arms and with a fierce rage threw it at the wall, Alex blinked hard she hadn't expected the outburst. He turned his angry eyes on her, fierce and watery a voice in the back of her head told her to get ready for the fight.

"No you don't understand, she was my only child, my little girl I sent her out into the world every day I thought she was prepared, I sent her to self-dense classes, I gave her training at home, I tried everything I could to protect her for when I wouldn't be there." Tears fell from his eyes, the big intimidating man didn't even wipe them away. " And I know she hated me when her mother left, she loathed me, pray you never have to listen to your child saying that to her friend it's heartbreaking, and now you are telling me that the person I should have worried about all along was her mother, and there is nothing I can do? "


" So this is it, this is how I lose my daughter? " His voice cracked and creaked.

Alex felt her heartbreak. "You are not losing her, I swear it I will bring her home."

" When she was a little girl I would watch her playing with her toys, you know in those small moments when suddenly the future seems so close and you go through the list of things that will or could happen they scare you sometimes because you've never been there, I used to think the worst thing was when she grew up, she'd meet some guy and fall head over heels in love and they'd move away. "

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