Angry In Gotham

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(Y/n) sank further down into the chair trying to avoid her intense stare as she watched her with a hawk-like gaze that made her want to run away but also made her want to throw herself at her and devour her with a heated frenzied kiss.

Lena shifted awkwardly next to her, avoiding her own girlfriend who was slightly less angry than Alex was, in fact, she was way less angry than her sister, while Alex did her best  impression of a fire-breathing dragon, Kara was trying her best not to laugh, laugh at the repentant CEO sitting before them still in her ridiculous outfit, her pale cheeks flushed a pale rouge.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourselves?" Alex asked her arms crossed over her chest angrily.

(Y/n) looked at Lena. "She was the one with the parrot, and did you see it pooed on my head!"

Kara turned around to hide her chuckle, but (Y/n) heard it and frowned at her. "It wasn't my fault Batwoman and the tv reporter ruined my plan if they hadn't had turned up Lena and I would have been away."

"Why were you there in the first place?" Alex countered.

" Well we were in the restaurant and Lena was like, what the heck do you see in Alex? and I was like OMG Lena how can you say that? She is utter perfection and... "

"Cut the crap (Y/n)," Alex said sternly, her flattery was not going to work this time.

" Yeah cut the crap (Y/n) I asked you what attracted you to her. " Lena stared at her cousin angrily, which would have worked if she wasn't wearing a rainbow tutu, Kara felt the build-up of laughter bubbling away she was afraid she would be able to hold it for much longer.

"You promised me."

" We don't know how it happened. " Lena shrugged desperately.

"Yeah, we were just talking and complaining about the awful food. "

"(Y/n) was complaining." Lena cut in.

(Y/n) shrugged. "I had cause to it was like eating sawdust, then this champagne was sent to our table and Lena was just like, we can't turn down free champagne ( Y/n)." She mocked her cousin in a high pitched voice, making her frown but still she said nothing, technically she was right she had said that. "What was the name of the woman again Lena?"

Lena looked to the side trying to conjure up the name. "Zatanna, she is a magician she'd been watching (Y/n) for ages I was teasing her about it actually."

"I didn't want to drink it." The chef defended.

" No, she is right she didn't, after we began drinking I guess it started then, and then that Harley woman came along. " Lena said. "Let me tell you that woman has issues."

" What about me I was almost assaulted by a Batwoman. " (Y/n) said mortified. "Her white eyes seemed sex-crazed and they were firmly set on me."

Lena rolled her eyes. "You are exaggerating."

"I am not, she was thinking up ship names for us, let me tell you she is not very inventive." (Y/n) turned to everyone in turn to tell them. "Oh, Alex I came up with the coolest one ever for us, wait for it SuperHottie." She glowed brightly. "Do you like it, because you know, you are the hottie?"

Kara lifted an eyebrow "I think you need to keep working on it."

"I liked it." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. 

"You two should go and have your own talks, I want to talk with (Y/n) alone." Alex said still keeping her gaze on her girlfriend."

"Err...really I think they should stay, hey Kara I'll make you potstickers."

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