Amazonians And Daxamites

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(Y/n) brushed aside the hair that fell over into her eyes, she was irritated enough as it was she was battling the urge to throw something at a wall.

She hadn't heard from Alex since she'd walked away yesterday, it was really starting to get to her, it wasn't that Alex hadn't replied to her messages or phone calls, but the fact that whatever was happening she was being kept out of the loop.

What is the point in being bloody Superwoman if no one trusts me?

"Chef table nine want their crab bisque." A server called out breaking her from her maudlin thoughts.

" How long on the bisque? " She called out.

"You didn't tell us you needed a bisque chef."

(Y/n) frowned, angry with herself for screwing up what was a perfect serving record. "Dammit, get a crab bisque on now!"

" You okay chef you've been distracted all night? " Carlos asked concerned usually the chef was so happy during service, and she never forgot anything.

"Don't worry I'm good, just something on my mind." She shrugged off.

"You want me to take over for a little bit while you take a five minutes break?'

" Thank you, Carlos, I won't be long I'm just going to get some fresh air. " Moving swiftly but with care not to disrupt any of the chefs cooking she opened the back door and slipped out into the alley.

The summer evening hung over her head as leaned her head against the door and took a breath of night air, mostly a toxic concoction of city fumes and pollution, luckily her Kryptonian genes were unbothered by such a cocktail.

"What are they doing?" She whispered into the air. "Why will no one tell me? And why won't Alex tell me, she's my girlfriend for fuck's sake!"

She took her cell phone out of her pocket to see if Alex had replied, she hadn't. "What are they doing down there?"

The more she obsessed about it the more angrier she became, she needed to find out what they were hiding, as soon as service was over Superwoman would be marching on the DEO and she would be getting the answers she needed or there would be trouble, five foot eight inches of Kryptonian trouble, well half Kryptonian.

She stormed back into the kitchen with a spring in her step. "Right come on people let's get this moving along, we want to be home early tonight right?"

A chorus of cheers rang through the kitchen that made her smile.


Two hours later she swung open the door of the DEO and like Napoleon marching arrogantly through an abandoned Saint Petersburg, her face was set to stone.

Every agent scurried out of her way even though tonight she wore her usual civilian clothes, she was no less frightening her (e/c) eyes illuminated her mood, she would tolerate no ones crap.

Alex hurried across her path her head buried in a file she hadn't seen her there.

(Y/n) grabbed her by the arm gently to stop her leaving. "Alex finally, hello do you remember me? I'm (Y/n) we're kinda sorta dating."

Alex frowned. "What are you talking about, of course, I know who you are."

" Hmm, I assumed you'd forgot my name because you haven't answered my calls or my messages. "

Alex sighed, it had been such a long twenty-four hours. "(Y/n) I'm so sorry I haven't had my cell phone with me."

" What have you been doing? "

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