The Wing woman

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(Y/n) and Alex sat close together their arms touching constantly even though they never consciously sought out contact with each other.

(Y/n) had made them breakfast while Alex showered, she'd had to turn down the offer of a joint shower that was far too dangerous she would never want to leave.

Lena sat opposite big dark circles under her usually youthful green eyes as she winced taking a mouthful of a sour black coffee, (Y/n) grimaced at the sight.

"How can you drink that?"

" It's the only thing keeping me standing up right now, that stuff is pretty powerful. "

"You drank it all?" ( Y/n) asked surprised ignoring the fact that she was, in fact, sitting down.

"I needed that much."

(Y/n) turned towards Alex her eyes screaming "See I told you." she motioned towards her and mouthed. " Say something. "

"Don't feel so bad Lena Kara is pretty bent out of shape about this."

" She is? "

"Oh yeah she really is she doesn't remember it very clearly but she was so afraid she had hurt you."

" She didn't hurt me. "

"Maybe you should tell her that." (Y/n) smiled softly at her. "Talking to her will help you a lot."

"I'm not sure, to make it worse Bruce called this morning about our date this weekend." She let her head crumble into her hands on the table only just managing to push the hot coffee out of the way as she did so.

" Did you think any more about what I said about him? "

Alex pursed her lips in silent contemplation, what had (Y/n) told Lena to do about the hot multi-millionaire?

"I like him and he is so sweet, I'm not sure I should break up with him, I mean if you are wrong and Kara doesn't feel the same way as me what will happen then, I'll have thrown away a kind and caring man for a whim."

"I did it, Lena, I gave up all of that for love and look how it worked out. " (Y/n) turned to Alex, her living proof that sometimes listening to your heart wins out over caution, she lifted her hand between her own and sighed internally getting lost in the vast fathoms of her dark brown eyes.

Lena snapped her fingers. "Hello, you two I am still here."

" Oh yeah sorry Lena. "

"Yeah yeah I know your happy and in love but what if it doesn't work for me?"

" But what if it does? " (Y/n) added a gently teasing smile played across her mouth as she watched her mind tick over.

"This love thing you have going on is making you quite grotesque." Lena sighed standing up from her seat as slowly as she could.

"I know, I'm going to take my turn in the shower now." Kissing Alex on the forehead she ran towards the bathroom happily whistling a tune she had no idea whether it even existed.

Lena turned her red eyes to Alex, it was the first real time they'd been alone since Alex and (Y/n) had gotten back together properly.

"You have no idea how much she loves you do you?" She sighed at her cousin's girlfriend. "She doesn't do this with anyone, this happy friend, and partner skipping around whistling. "

"Excuse me," Alex asked softly unsure what the woman was trying to say.

"She tells me it makes her sad when you think she will leave, that someone will come along and blind her to you, that she'll leave."

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