Backseat Kara

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"Another road trip." ( Y/n) turned and smiled at Alex reaching her hand across to place it on her thigh, Alex returned her cheery smile, she was nervous about this weekend but it had to happen sometime the sooner they did it the sooner it was out of the way like ripping a band-aid off really quickly.

"It seems so long ago since our last one."

(Y/n) sighed sadly. "Yes."

"I swear if you two are gonna start making out again you can leave me at the side of the road and I will fly the rest of the way to Eliza's." Kara's head suddenly popped up between the two car seats from her seat in the back, Alex and (Y/n) shared a chuckle.

"Maybe we will pull over, find a nice little motel what do you think (Y/n)?" Alex winked at her since Kara had found them in an intimate situation they'd both ganged up on her and wound her up, turns out it was really easy to fluster Kara.

" Sounds like a good idea to me I am feeling kinda..  frisky. " The chef let the last word linger on her tongue trying so hard not to fall over in hysterics.

"You two need neutering," Kara replied her face a look of utter disgust.

" Hey, that's not nice Kara we're messing with you dorkazoid. "

"Oh yeah, I knew that."

" What is wrong any way you seem kinda uptight and prudish around sex it's just a natural expression of emotion. " (Y/n) shrugged, well not always but she wasn't going into that right now.

Alex shook her head skeptically.

Kara pouted at them suddenly feeling self-conscious. "Oh, really Alex that is what you are calling what you did with Sara Lance three or four times? " She silently patted herself on the back when she saw the two women exchange glances (Y/n)'s more of anger mixed with confusion and Alex one of absolute dread.

"What!" ( Y/n) yelled her hand leaving the other woman's thigh as she stared dagger at her.

"It's not what your thinking." Alex gulped. " It was another earth and a different Sara and long before you, I swear it. " When (Y/n)'s expression didn't change Alex pleaded with her sister. "Kara please tell her."

" Yes, we had a wedding some Nazis issues Alex had a one night stand with an assassin and I was nearly dissected by a doppelganger with a mega bad attitude. "

The chef frowned.

"Say something," Alex said softly.

" I really wish I didn't know this, and Alex you think you bore me, Jeez lady you are da bomb! but let's not talk about Sara Lances anymore I don't want to hate our Sara. "


" Wait a minute are you saying there are other Alex's? "

"Yep." Kara sighed watching the scenery pass them by.

(Y/n) began to trail off how had no one ever thought to go to all these Earths and claim every Alex Danvers and bring them to her, that would be the only kind of group sex she would be interested in Alex, Alex, Alex, and Alex. "Hmm that is such a good idea." She smiled dreamily.

" Are you okay? "

"What, oh yeah sure." Damn probably should keep that to myself.

Alex breathed a huge sigh of relief glaring a Kara through the mirror, making her a silent promise to get her back for landing her face first in the crap.

"Why are you so uptight about sex though Kara?" ( Y/n) asked again, puzzled when her cousin's face glowed red.

"I err...I never met anyone I felt comfortable enough to do that?" She said softly waiting for the judging to arrive.

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