Kara's Possession

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Just as Alex was about to burst out into huge fits of laughter when the door opened and there stood Kara a smile on her face until she saw the state of the room and the mess on Alex and (Y/n).

"What the hell happened to you two did you fight over Sara again?"

" Of course not Kara why would we fight over Sara? " (Y/n) sighed.

"Well because Alex wishes she could erase every moment she touched you and sh.."

" Okay, Kara that's enough! " Alex shouted out hoping she would stop soon she didn't want to get into all of that again, it was bad enough knowing (Y/n) was working with her to get Sam to go out sith her, and besides that the two women really got along, she had to have faith that she was enough for (Y/n), when they were together she had no doubts but it was the lingering vestiges of guilt that seemed to not be so certain, that someone else could lure her away.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes walking to stand behind Alex. "I just ruined my whole supply of tomatoes for you stop thinking crazy things." She whispered as though she could sense what was going through her mind, Alex turned and smiled at her.

" I'm sorry. "

"Don't be sorry, just know those little voices of doubt are yours I have no doubts about you." 

" Can you two stop the Oprah meeting. " Kara said.

"What are you doing here anyway?" ( Y/n) asked.

"Well I was just downtown at that cool alien hair salon Alex went to, to get her crazy new thing going on and when I passed by the lights were on so I dropped in to see what was happening."

" You got your hair cut I don't see any difference. " Alex said puzzled.

"Well it was just a little trim but I'm happy."

" Heaven forbid you jump out of your comfort zone Kara. "

"Hey, I fight evil every day." Kara protested.

" And your still too afraid to tell Lena you like her. "

"She is dating someone (Y/n)."

" Are we really going to go into this again, I told you, close your ears, Alex, they are only dating she is fair game, we have bigger problems right now where has that thing gotten to? " The chef turned around suspiciously since Kara had walked through the door there had been nothing.

"Why are you so worried about Alex I am the one you keep pestering?" Kara screeched.

" Kara, please. " Alex pleaded, why wouldn't she shut up?

"Because Kara Alex thinks if I say that then I mean I am fair game for anyone to steal when in fact the rules for us like many do not apply because I love her to death and have no plans to be stolen away while you need a kick up your icy Kryptonian ass or you will end up sad and lonely watching the woman you love making a life with someone else."

" Icy Kryptonian ass. " Kara cringed.

"You love me to death," Alex spoke, she wasn't sure those were the best words to use given their situation.

" Yes, I adore you now shut up and help me clean this mess up. "


(Y/n) sighed picking up the last of the papers that had fallen on the floor even using super speed the whole clean up had been a massive pain in the ass.

Would this night ever end? She wanted to go home and throw herself on the couch drown herself in a hot chocolate and drift away no worries about crazy ghosts and how she was going to tell Cat about being down on profits and in need of a new delivery, those Lobsters were useless now, that was a lot of money. 

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