Beds And Webs

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"Wow." (Y/n) declared as she floated up and down, her stomach turning over rapidly as she lay down in the uneven rapidly moving bed. "Who even still has a water bed?"

"Stop playing around you'll puncture it or something and I'll have to buy it," Alex said running over to pull her up from the marine-inspired bed, she really didn't want to spend her nights on a bed that moved backward and forward even if you just exhaled slightly.

"Oh calm down Alex I'm not as clumsy as Kara, that woman would just blow this baby open just biting her fingernail."

"She isn't that bad."

"She fell over her own feet this morning Alex, she was just walking in a straight line." (Y/n) laughed it had been funny she had almost fallen off the sidewalk she would have done if Alex hadn't have caught her, and pulled her back up.

They'd spent the last few hours shopping for a bed, the perfect bed Alex wanted this to be symbolic of them, that this bed would be their bed as she was helping her to choose it, she only hoped (Y/n) felt the same way.

(Y/n) leaned too close to her and whispered. "Sometimes I don't even need a bed I just float, I look like Lucy Westenra when they find out she is a Vampire, I woke up one morning and saw myself in the mirror I looked pretty cool."

"Like this morning you mean," Alex smirked, she'd almost had the fright of her life waking up holding on tightly to (Y/n) as she had risen upwards in her sleep so had Alex gone with her.

"Oh come on you loved it, I bet no one else has ever made you that high in bed." (Y/n) winked, until she caught sight of another water bed and shot off in its direction.

"(Y/n) please, no water bed." Alex sighed again.

(Y/n) was too busy making the bed flow under her, small waves igniting to send her up and down like she sat perched on top of a boat on the ocean.

"Come on Alex this is super cool."

"It's like taking a child shopping." Alex groaned hiding her head in her hands.

"Choose it, Alex, come we'll have so much fun."

"Yeah you would break it in two seconds and my whole apartment will be drowned."

"I'm not that rough Alex, although if you ask very nicely I could work something out." (Y/n) winked as a slightly older couple walked past far too invested in their conversation, Alex flushed red, (Y/n) waved at them. "Did you get enough of our conversation?"

"(Y/n)." Alex warned.

"What they were being nosy." She shrugged innocently.

"No to any waterbeds (Y/n) we want a normal one, one that doesn't feel like I'm out on a boat."

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes lit up excitedly. "We should totally go somewhere where we can go on a boat for our weekend away, imagine it just you and I out on the moonlit lake, the stars as our only friends."

Alex couldn't deny that did sound wonderful, she'd have to make sure that happened especially because (Y/n) seemed to love the idea, she would do it just to make her smile.

"You know I was wondering something," Alex said quietly almost too afraid to ask what she was thinking.

"What were you wondering?"

"About you meeting my Mother."

"Wow okay, I gotta warn you though Alex parents tend to hate me, well Mothers hate me fathers tend to like me a little too much, I had this one boyfriend, my Dad had to rough up his Dad because he was kinda stalking me."

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