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Robyn's POV
Thanksgiving was spent in Virginia with chris' family, my mom and brother came from Barbados as well. Melissa made her ultimate return. We hadn't hung out in a while considering she got herself a foreign soccer player boyfriend. She was always traveling with him.

Christmas was intimate with just us, chris made it a probably the best day of mine and Jr's life. From the presents upon presents to the decor to the.. everything.

Now it was finally New Year's Eve. The wedding prep was going great everything was finalized including the guest list. It'll be a very intimate wedding, just like how our lives are. Very exclusive.

I know the bride is supposed to be nervous but so far chris has been the wreck between the both of us. His album was done but every time him and jay meet they will change a song or two.

The clinic was also doing amazing, patients seen to love it as well.. everything is like.. one big fairy tale. One blink of an eye and it'll be gone. I smiled and slipped on the ruby red earrings matching my sleek red silk dress with a slit, with my red pumps and lips.

Satisfied with my look, I stepped out of the bathroom and went to grab the red bag to match, Jr will be at chris' moms house.. chris said he has plans for us tonight so he went to drop him off...I didn't want to leave my baby on this day but what do I do? Besides he's been asleep since 5 anyways. He'll be good.

Checking my phone, the screen blared 7:54 on it. Soon it'll be a whole new year then the countdown to the wedding starts. Checking on my makeup, I decided to reapply my lipstick before I go downstairs.

Once I was proud, I then walking out of the luxurious bathroom and into bedroom looking down the whole time to make sure I don't step on the dress, I can chest to chest with chris. Looking up, I caught his big brown eyes that glistened and read love and joy, happiness. Something that was never there before. He broke the eye contact by staring me up and down as he pulled his bottom lip into his mouth.

"Damn lil mama, you tryna have another kid tonight huh?"

He said as he pecked my lips and rubbed my hips. I bashfully hit his chest.

"Not looking too bad yourself daddy"

I stared at his attire, white shirt with a Givenchy SS16 collar jacket, black jeans with white socks and black old school vans. With his typical jewelry looking pretty snackish if you ask me.

He licked his lips and lifted up my chin staring into my eyes as he leaned in closer and kissed me.

"I look like a meal, not a snack" was all he said as we parted, he winked and walked out..

"Did I say that outloud? " I asked myself in shock. Grabbing my handbag, I ran downstairs to chris who held the keys to his red luxury car.

"I chose the car that matches you" he said In a very cute tone.

Escorting me to the passenger seat, he flew to the drivers seat and sat down, pulling red roses from behind him and giving them to me as he pecks my lips.

"Where'd you pull these out from? Ya ass?"

I asked confused. He chuckled.

"You're welcome ma"

He winked at me and started the car. Staring at the beautiful flowers, I smelled them before saying "thank you" lightly. But I knew he heard.

Pulling up to this beachside restaurant, we were taken up to the top level where it was empty and dimly lit. Only one table finely decorated for Us. All four walls of this level were made out of glass so we could see the perfect scenery outside.

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