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Robyn's POV
*month later*

"Thank you doctor" I said holding back my smile.

"Take care of yourself please Robyn, and get back to me as soon as you guys get off tour" she said genuinely concerned for my well being.

"For sure! Again thank you for everything.. see you in a month.. I have to go before chris comes." I whispered.

"Good luck!!" she squealed and hung up.

Cheesing hard at my screen, I turned off my phone and set it on the nightstand. It had been a few weeks since we've been on the road. Traveling city to city for sold out shows, watching chris grace the stage like he was made for this. He put on a show everyday like he was used to it, like he knew what he was doing.. as if he'd been doing it for years.

Trey came with us and tagged along on tour, Jay obviously put himself on tour as well just because this is his favorite clients first tour.

Everyday chris killed it, making those who didn't come jealous from social media. Tonight we were in Cleveland... and I just got news.. well I knew.... it's just that now.

It's been finalized.

But I don't think I was to tell him just yet.

"Boo" chris peeked in from the bathroom of the hotel room. Water dripped down his body as steam escaped from the bathroom. A single towel was wrapped around his waist as he came and jumped on top of me, smothering me in kisses.

"Why were you just smiling all hard without me."

"Oh nothing.. I was just.. thinking about you. That's all.."

"Oh is that so..." he raised an eyebrow as he smirked.

"Show me how much you miss me." He lifted up my shirt and began to kiss,lick, nibble and bite my stomach.

"St-stawwp" I said out of chuckles as I pinched his shoulder and tried to roll away but I was caught by the wrist and flung on top of him like a doll. He wrapped his arms around me securely and smiled. I would melt for that smile.

"I love you" he stated, the smile still bright on his face. Bright like a diamond.

Mirroring his smile, I pecked him on his nose.

"I love you more"

"Don't play that game with me because we all know I can go on forever and I'll win" he simply said still smiling.

"Bet" I cupped his big face and made him pucker his juicy lips. Pecking him between each word... I said "I love you"

As I went down for the last kiss, he stuck his tongue out and licked my lips. Furrowing my eyebrows, I wiped my mouth and rolled my eyes trying to leave before realizing I was stuck.


"Gimme what I want"  he stuck his head on my neck and whispered against my skin.

"I'm not in the mood" I said looking him in the eye. Being cautious with my body.. being that I haven't told him yet. And I know if we do it without me telling him, he won't be careful.. but I don't want to randomly blurt it out.

"Besides you perform tomorrow you have to get your rest, so go put on some clothes chop chop let's go to bed."

I said breaking free  from his grip as I got up and changed into one of his oversized white shirts laying in my spot as I charged my phone and waited for him to lay next to me.  A few minutes passed by until I felt big, bare arms wrap tight around my frame. Soon I felt his warm toned body press against me, he held me as he stuck his face on my neck and cuddled closer.

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