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It was a bright and sunny morning, the birds were chirping.. bees buzzed.. but yet there was a comfortable silence in the air. Laying there in the field of long green stems and beautiful white flowers was Chris with his arms wrapped around Rob.  There they laid staring into each other's eyes, smiling.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?"

She chuckled lowly and Chris admired the little crinkle that formed in between her eyebrows.. his smile grew.

"Chris you've been telling me this for the past 40 years. Give it a rest. I'm all wrinkly and ugly now."

He immediately furrowed his eyebrows and graced his thumb across her cheek, she blushed.

"You are the most beautiful woman alive. Don't tell yourself otherwise. If I could.. I would put five MORE kids in you"

Her blush suddenly went away.

" no no no no no no no more kids please"

He laughed and held her tighter.. "I'm just playing babe.. we're too old for-"

"WAKE UP NIGGA" she yelled and threw the pillow at him. "We're getting late!"  He suddenly shot up from the bed and rubbed his eyes as he grumbled.

"I was having a nice dream ya know" he muttered.

"Yes but your fans are waiting for you sir. Don't fuck up your last show. So go get ready" she ordered.. he smacked his teeth and laid back down.. closing his eyes in hopes of getting that image back.

Yes, it was his last show of his very successful.. sold out first tour. Jay said he hadn't seen such an impact since Michael... chris brushed it off saying no one can be Michael. Team breezy was already one of the biggest fanbases...

She let out a breath and crawled on the bed with him, hovering over him.. she let her baby bump lay on his stomach as she lightly kissed his nose.. moving down to his lips.

He smiled with his eyes still closed, securing his arms around her, he flipped their position so that he was hovering over her being cautious of her small belly.

"If you weren't pregnant.. I'd stick a kid or two in you right now." Smiling he kissed her lips then her growing stomach.

She laughed "you always say that dumb dumb.. now get off of me and go get ready" she ordered

"Sir yes sir!" He got up and saluted them marched into the bathroom.


"I just wanted to thank y'all for rocking with me this tour. This is just the first of many.. thank you guys for all the support. Love y'all" he chucked up the two and bowed before walking off stage for the last time..

"Congrats fam." Trey said pulling chris into a brotherly hug.

"This calls for a celebration" Jay said popping a bottle. Chris looked for Robyn in the crowd of everyone backstage. Once he found her, he ran and hugged her lifting her up in the air as they twirled.

"Congrats baby boy" she leaned to his head and kissed it. "I'm proud of you" they stared into each other's eyes, masking each other's smiles.

"Thank you for everything rob for real. I wouldn't even be here without y-"

She slapped her finger over his big lips.. "shh" she said and hugged him tighter.

"Awe" everyone said in unison as the couple turned around to everyone watching.

"My parents are so cute" trey said as he wiped an imaginary tear. Chris straight faced him and set Robyn down on her two feet. Holding her hand he walked over to Jay...

"I think we finna go home now, y'all have fun.. I don't want her to be tired"

"Come on.. cut the cake first"

"The wha-"

On cue, a big cake make to replicate the FAME album came out. Jay passed out glasses of Champagne and made a toast with a speech.. A knife was given to chris.

"Go head' cut it now" he urged.

Chris looked around confused... "Robyn.. trey get over here I couldn't do this without y'all. Cut it with me." They walked over and all three held the knife. Sinking It in the soft layers.. everyone around them cheered again.

"Thank you guys.. but we gon get home now. Sis is pregnant in case y'all forgot"

Everyone scrunched up their face. "Sis" Robyn reiterated in disgust.

"I mean-" he scratched his head and shoved some cake into his mouth. "This cake is good" He smiled.

"Ookaay" um. Y'all don't party too hard. Get home safe." Jay stated breaking the silence.

Everyone said their goodbyes and the couple was on their way home...but the whole time Robyn couldn't help but to have this bad feeling. She brushed it off thinking that she was just overwhelmed.

Weeks had passed, Robyn's stomach was "ginormous" as chris called it. But she couldn't help but to get rid of that feeling. Especially since she wakes up at the same time every night feeling like someone is watching her. Chris brushes it off and tells her she's paranoid.

"Chris.. chris.. CHRIS" she slapped him to wake him up.

"Huh?!" He bolted up and looked around.

"I heard something by the window.."

"Robynnnnnn not this shit again" he threw himself back down and held his head annoyed.

"Chris please" she begged looking at him. He saw her eyes through the moonlight.. they were full of water and worry. Sighing he got up and stretched remembering all the sleepless nights she's had in the past over him.. this was just something small he could do to make her feel better. Making his way over to the window, he studied it before looking outside and around.

He saw nothing.

Turning on the lights, he ran downstairs and around the perimeter of the huge house.


Coming back into the room, he shut off all the lights and laid down pulling her towards him as he securely wrapped his arms around her to make her feel safe.

"You probably heard an owl. It's ok there's nothing. Now let's go back to sleep" his raspy voice flowed into her ear.

"Chris remember the last time I felt someone watching me-"

"That won't happen again for as long as I'm alive. Don't worry" he simply shut her up.

She let out a deep sigh and told herself that what chris was saying was correct... maybe it's just pregnancy hallucinations.

But what she would witness a few months later at this same time would make her wish that she forced chris to do something.....

Next chapter is *better* and the last one. I can't believe this series is over almost. Thank you guys for reading everything.

I made a slow chapter on purpose to fill in that gap.. I was originally going to end it rn but figured I'll just make a chapter to let y'all know ahead of time.

Anywho.. check out my new book "Obsession" please

Love y'all ❤️
*as always ignore any mistakes please*

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