Chapter 7: Twilight's End

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In light of the Iron Lords absence, Lord Saladin and Lady Efrideet's disappearance, the City was now left in danger again. That danger came from the creepiness of the House of Devils. They realized that no one house could reclaim the Traveler. So they devised a plan. Four fallen houses came together, the Wolves, Devils, Kings, and Winter. They united their forces and marched their armada, greater than previously seen before. Together, they marched to earth, and planned to attack the City. The greatest threat came from the Wolves, who had the largest Navy and Army resources at their disposal, millions of soldiers marching the grounds and flying into the night skies.

The City was to be defended from this attack by three Guardians. saladin and his proteges, Commander Zavala, and Lord Shaxx. These three Titans were vital for the defensive, and were provided salvaged artillery weapons and thousands upon thousands of combat frames. Warlocks sent waves after waves of void and solar light to destroy the aggressors. Titans manned the Walls with zeal and fortitude like they did before. Hunters wielding golden guns and swords of sparking light slashed and plowed through the offensive.

But it was all not enough. The Fallen were too strong and in great numbers, and like that, tore a hole into the wall at Twilight Gap. This gave the offensive an advantage against the City, and thus Saladin called a retreat. But Lord Shaxx had better in mind. Commanding his forces, he lead a charge to the hole, and fought valiantly against any attackers, spilling the purple blood of the Fallen on the snows of Twilight Gap. If he failed here, the City was destined to fall. But, luckily, Shaxx's gambit worked, and the hole was plugged. The House of Kings, Devils, and Winter.

But absence of the Wolves didn't go unnoticed. Far away, in the Asteroid Belt, there was an Awoken monarchy forming. This was the Vestian Dynasty, with it many names and houses rose. They were very matriarchal and isolated. One ruler of the Awoken was Mara Sov. The Wolves had invaded Awoken space, and violated their laws. She was presented the choice to let them pass, or confront them. Letting them pass would spell doom for humanity, earth, and the Traveler. But she instead confronted the Wolves. She used a weapon, so powerful, it wiped clean a half of their ships. This was the Harbinger, and it proved the Awoken to be anything but weak. This lead to many wars to be fought between the new Kell, Skolas, and the Reef. These were were called the Reef Wars.

In light of the City's weakness and desperation, Lysander of the Concordact saw fit to rise against the Speaker. But his rebellion was swiftly crushed under the boots of the New Monarchy at Bannerfall. That Tower still bears the scars of the Battle, and Lysander lived in exile after. But he planned to return, plotting all the while. In the meantime, the Concordact was disbanded. To fill that gap, the Future War Cult took it's place. With these factions grew new ways to protect the City should attack come again. And that was the case, when Veizal Crux and Victor Lomar of the Crux-Lomar Foundry began making armaments to honor those who fallen under the banners of the City at Twilight Gap, and called this Project Heimdahl. The designed it to be forged in honor of those fallen for the City, and forged it from their armor, a weapon of mass destruction called the Gjallarhorn.

Lord Shaxx had his ideas too. He seen that many Guardians died that may have been legends. And that leaving the City protected by younger Guardians, who aren't as wise, would undoubtedly make the City weaker. So, he proposed that land be cleared out and allowed for training combat areas. It was given permission to start, and it was founded as a new pastime, a new challenge for Guardians. This was called Crucible.

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