Eliza meets Josh

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The truck with Janett raced down the road; Eliza flew down the road too, chasing the car down. The people in the town were amazed and terrified of Eliza. She tried to stop the car, but she couldn't fly fast enough. The car turned around a corner and when she finally got to the corner, the car was nowhere to be seen. Eliza went back to the ground and curled up in a ball and her eyes filled with tears. People started to surround her and ask questions like,

"What just happened?"

"Are you ok?

"How did you do that?"

"You could do that this whole time?"

Some people even said mean things like, "Are you crazy?"

"You could have killed us!"

Then Eliza screamed, "My sister just got kidnaped, and I was trying to save her! Leave me alone!"

Eliza flew up out of the crowd. She went to the mountains and found a damp, dark cave to sit in. She cried there for the next two hours and then finally fell asleep.

Eliza woke up in the cave seven hours later. She was determined to find Janett at any cost. She flew back down to town to see if there was anybody who could help.

"Can anybody help me? My sister just got kidnaped a few hours ago, and I need to find her. I know what you saw, and you might think I am a monster, but you don't understand. I need help. Please!" Eliza cried out.

Lots of people walked by, but no one wanted to help; they were just too freaked out about what had happened nine hours earlier. Mothers were even pulling their kids away from Eliza in order to protect them.

After what felt like forever for Eliza, a young man came up to her, no more than eighteen, and offered to help.

"I was amazed when I saw you controlling the water and flying. I knew that if I could do anything to help you save your sister, I would," the young man said.

"That's very nice of you, sir. Everyone except you seems to be scared of me. Thank you, sir," Eliza replied.

"No need to call me sir. Call me Josh."

"Thank you, Josh."

"I saw that you were chasing after the truck. Well, I hopped in my car and followed the truck for four hours until it stopped at the airport," Josh told Eliza.

"Airport?" Eliza replied confused.

"You don't know what an airport is, Eliza?" Josh asked.

"No, I have been growing up on the streets with my sister for the past nine years. Wait! How do you know my name?"

"Oh, sorry, um, it's a small town, and I have overheard your sister say it a few times. I mean we all basically live together so I know a few people's names."

"Oh, that makes sense. Sorry for overreacting, Josh."

"It's fine, Eliza. I understand you have been through a huge thing so you're a little tense," Josh replied.

"Thanks for understanding, Josh. So, anyway, what is an airport? Is it dangerous?" Eliza asked.

"An airport is a place where planes land and fly away to different places. Planes are much faster than cars and can go over water," Josh told Eliza.

"So my sister is not here?" Eliza asked with tears coming into her eyes.

"Most likely. I'm sorry, Eliza."

"Is there any way we can find out where the plane went?" Eliza asked hopefully.

"Well, we can go to the airport, and see how many flights have taken off in the past nine hours," Josh told Eliza.

"It's a small town, so there may not be many that have left."

"That's great! Let's go!" Eliza said excitedly.

hope you enjoyed the second part! Since my story is pre-written, im just going to publish the whole thing today (probably before anyone sees it lol).

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