The surgery

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A week went by and they landed on Mars. Some agents came into Eliza's room and unchained her. They put a suit on her and carried her off the space ship. They got into a Rover and drove to the Mars base. They went inside and stabilized the pressure. They brought Eliza to a room that looked like an operating room. Henry was there.

"This is where we will be getting the sapphire out of you. The doctor will come in shortly," Henry told Eliza.

Eliza was terrified because she didn't know what would happen. Then the doctor walked in.

"This is the doctor that will be getting the sapphire out of you. We will be leaving now. She's in your hands, doctor."

"Thank you, head agent Henry," the doctor said.

The agents put Eliza on the operating table. They took the suit off of her and left her in the doctor's hands.

"Let's get on with business," the doctor said.

"You don't have to do this. Please, I'm begging you," Eliza said.

"Oh young lady, I think I do. The AOE specifically said to try and extract your powers to give to our agents, so they can have super abilities to do their work. Just hold still," the doctor replied.

The doctor slowly gave Eliza the shot so she would fall asleep, but Eliza wouldn't fall asleep.

"Ow, that hurts!"

"It's not supposed to hurt; it is supposed to numb you and make you fall asleep."

"Well, maybe the sapphire is making sure I don't fall asleep, so you can't remove it," Eliza told the doctor

"Or maybe we just need more."

"No, please, not again! Is it dangerous to put too much in a fifteen year old girl?"

"I don't know, young lady, but it doesn't matter. We just need the sapphire. We don't care if you live or not."

"Now that's rude! You care more about a magical sapphire than me?"

"Yes, you are correct."

The doctor put more of the drug in Eliza, and she fell asleep this time. The doctor took Eliza's gloves off so they wouldn't get bloody and went ahead and started cutting open Eliza. He cut through the scar where the sapphire was first put in and started searching for it.

The doctor found some tissue with something glowing under it it. He knew that it had to be the sapphire. He tried cutting open the tissue, but it wouldn't cut. He tried harder, but it just wouldn't budge. He tried to sharpen the blade, but it still wouldn't cut. He tried to cut the tissue out instead of cutting it open, but it still wouldn't move.

The doctor knew that there was no way to get it out of her at all. It seemed the sapphire was protecting the tissue around it. It was like the sapphire was bonded to Eliza, and wanted to protect her.

The doctor just gave up. He sewed Eliza up, cleaned up all the blood, and bandaged her up. He put her in a hospital bed and chained her leg to the wall and put the gloves back on her.

Henry came in soon after. He asked the doctor if he was successful in getting the sapphire out.

"I am sorry, Henry, sir. It seemed that the sapphire was protecting the tissue around it so it wouldn't get cut out. I tried to cut it out, but not even my sharpest blade would make an incision. I am sorry, sir. I did the best I could," the doctor told Henry.

"Well then, that's not good news. We will try again tomorrow, but with a special diamond blade. It is the one of the hardest substances on earth, it might do the trick, but if it doesn't, we will keep trying," Henry replied to the doctor.

"Yes sir!" the doctor saluted.

Eliza was asleep for the next ten hours because of the big dose of the numbing anesthesia. When she woke up, she was in a lot of pain from the surgery. She didn't have much pain from where the doctor cut her open, but from where the doctor tried to get to the sapphire. It was hurting so much inside that it hurt to move at all, even to breathe. Eliza just decided to fall asleep again because she was alone in a room, in pain.

Right when Eliza was dozing off, Henry came and interrupted.

"Eliza, just so you know, we were unsuccessful with removing the sapphire. That is why you still have the gloves on. We are going to try with a different approach tomorrow. I can see that you are in a lot of pain, but we cannot help you with that. You will just need to be tough. We are going to keep doing surgeries until we are successful with removing the sapphire. We are not planning to give up," Henry told Eliza.

Eliza could just manage to nod her head ok.

"Well, have a good night sleep, because you will need strength tomorrow."

Eliza nodded her head again. Henry left the room and turned off the lights. Eliza quickly fell asleep because she was so tired and weak.

Eliza woke up to the lights being turned on the next morning. An agent unchained her from the wall and carried her to the operating room. She was dosed with some more of the anesthesia and fell asleep.

The doctor unstitched the stitches and went back to the strong tissue. He took the diamond blade, and the tissue still wouldn't cut. The doctor stitched her up and brought her to her bed. He told Henry the news. Henry told him that they will be doing another surgery tomorrow, but with a different blade. This process went on for ten more days, until the tissue got cut. The doctor was using a normal sapphire.

"Well, that did the trick, using a sapphire to cut to a magical sapphire. Why didn't we think of this earlier?" the doctor told himself.

The doctor's excitement came to an end a few seconds later. He tried to pick up the sapphire, but it shot some pain up his arm. He couldn't feel or control his arm anymore. The sapphire dropped back into Eliza, and the tissue closed up over it. The doctor had to stitch up Eliza with only his left hand. It was really hard for him because he was right handed, but he somehow managed it. He called some other agents to bring Eliza to her bed. They chained her up, and put her gloves on again. The doctor went to talk to Henry.

"Henry Sir! I got to the sapphire by cutting the tissue with a sapphire blade, but when I picked it up, it sent a horrible pain up my arm, and I can't feel or control it!" the doctor told Henry.

"Hmm, well, thank you for finding a way to get to the gem. Someone else will do the surgery tomorrow and not touch the sapphire with his hands, but with some prongs. How else do you think Eliza's parents got it in her? Anyways, I hope you get feeling back in your arm soon. Thank you doctor, you may go wash up," Henry told the doctor.

The doctor never did get feeling and motion back in his arm ever again.

hope you enjoyed this chapter! again sorry for the random boldness, im too lazy to fix it 

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