Part 10

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i dont know what to call this part, so Im just calling it Part 10. enjoy!

The next day, Eliza was in the most pain she had ever felt in her life. The agents got her ready for the surgery. They cut the special tissue with the sapphire and picked the magical sapphire out with the prongs. They sewed Eliza up and put her in her bed. They put the sapphire in a jar and brought it to the lab to see if and how they could extract the powers. They took Eliza's gloves off because she didn't have powers anymore.

The lab tried many different experiments to see if they could extract the powers, but nothing worked except one thing. They put the gem in some Bromide Oxidane also known as ocean water. It turned the Bromide Oxidane orange. The scientists took some of the orange liquid and injected it into a test subject. They told the person to try and make fire. The person could make fire. They then asked him to see if he could lift a test tube using his mind, and he did. Then they asked if he could fly, and he did.

All the scientists cheered and celebrated. They told Henry the good news. Henry called in all the selected agents for the powers. The scientists injected all the agents with the liquid. All of them gained powers. Everyone celebrated.

In the midst of the celebration, no one realized that the sapphire was moving in the jar. It then flew out and crashed through the walls. It smashed through everything in its path. When it got to Eliza, it smacked her in the stomach and slowly sunk into her and gave her back her powers. It made her feel strong. She suddenly felt no pain at all, just strength. She used her powers and broke the chain attached to her leg. She stood up and unlocked the door with her powers. She walked out and saw Henry with all his agents.

"Get her!" Henry ordered.

The agents came running towards Eliza. She fought a lot of them off. Then all of a sudden, all of the agents fell to the ground at once.

"What are you guys doing? I told you guys to get Eliza!" Henry yelled at the agents on the ground.

"Hey, Henry, they aren't awake. They can't do anything," Eliza told Henry.

"Hey girl, don't talk back to me!"

Suddenly the orange sapphire sea water started coming out of the fallen agents, and Eliza's stomach started to glow. The orange water started heading towards Eliza's stomach.

"Oh, no, the sapphire is trying to put itself back together!" Henry yelled.

The water started rushing into Eliza. It shoved her over to the ground. It hurt like crazy, but when it was at the most pain, it just stopped. All the water had gone into the sapphire. Eliza had all of her powers back. The fallen agents started to wake up, but they were weak. Henry got really mad.

"Eliza, this is all your fault! We had the power, and my plan worked!" Henry yelled at Eliza.

Henry started walking over to Eliza with his fist out to punch her, but then he got hit on the head from behind. He fell to his knees and then fell face first onto the floor knocked out. Behind him was Janett with her fist still out.

"Janett, you saved me!" Eliza told Janett, "Thank you so much!"

"Aww, thanks Eliza, but don't only thank me, thank Josh. He is the one who let me out," Janett said.

"Really? Thank you Josh! I guess I can trust you now. I forgive you for turning me in."

"Thank you Eliza for your forgiveness and trust."

Eliza and Josh hugged.

"Well, I see that you are feeling much better," Josh told Eliza.

"I guess the sapphire healed me somehow. I guess it just has been with me for so long, I am its home."

"I guess so," Josh replied.

"Anyways you two, let's see if we can get home," Janett told Eliza and Josh.

"I know the person who flies the spaceship. We can force him to bring us home," Josh told the girls.

"Ok, let's go!" Eliza and Janett said at the same time. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The story is almost over.

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