19 || What?

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OK, this is not the last chapter but one of the ends.

🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧

I watch as everything crumbles into a void. The ground breaks beneath me making me fall. Nostalgia consumes me as I feel lighter as I fall into the darkness.

I smile, I forgot the reason (Y/N) had to see the different versions of myself. She just saw fractions of myself even though she is just a friend. Friend? Is she a friend? No... she's much more. She made me smile even her constant remarks and teasing annoys me. But I love the happy times we spent together.


"Love!" I scream in a panic as I try to find (Y/N) under the water. I see her sinking deeper under the waves. Diving down I reach to grab her, her body continues to sink as I struggle to hold my breath. I grab her hand and blindly swam up and felt myself breathe fresh air once I broke through the water.

"Somebody bloody help me!" I yelled.

"Dude?" I hear America question then he looked down and opened his mouth to speak.

"Ask questions after getting us out of here!" America through down some floats and a rope then hoists us up. I hold (Y/N)'s non-breathing body down and perform CPR. I tried at least 3 times, pumping and blowing, repeating again.

"Please, open your eyes." I pleaded as I blow air into her system once more.

America stays silent. Watching. Praying too, silently.

For a good 30 min. I lost hope that (Y/N) is ever going to open her eyes. I lay my head on her chest, waiting to hear a sign of life.


It never came.

I stand up and walked away to find a cover.

"Why did you stop?" America asked.

"You can try but I hate to think she's gone." I continue to walk with tears in my eyes.

Finding a white tablecloth I went back to drape it over (Y/N)'s corpse.

I stare at her face, shimmering from the water, under the sun. Her wet hair seemingly dry but matted. I went to feel her soft cheeks but felt cold under my touch.

"She's gone... why?" I cried and felt America hug me.


It was the end of (Y/N)'s funeral and I was the last one to leave. She wore a lovely white dress, her hair looks better but was graced with deaths color. Though I wore a black tuxedo with an (F/C) rose in my pocket. I took it off and placed it in (Y/N)'s hands.

"You're still beautiful, my love. It will be lonely without you. Just for the last time, will you let me see your smiling face? Under the sun, by the shimmering sea that we love to gaze at? Then at night we will wrap under blankets and watch your favorite movie. When it's time for bed I kiss you good night and may we have good dreams." Tears fell from my face once again.

I cry on the side of your coffin. "If only, I could swim then I could have saved you."

I look at you with teary eyes but smiled softly. "If only this was a dream, a nightmare that I can wake up from. Then see you beside me in the morning."

I kiss your cold forehead. "Sweet dreams."

🇺🇸-America's POV-🇺🇸

England locked himself in his house for weeks now. I wonder if he is even eating. I decided to see how the old man is feeling but when I turned his doorknob, expecting it to be locked but open. I let myself in.


Walking to the kitchen I see England on the floor, leaning against the wall holding a picture frame in his hand. It was a photo of him and (Y/N). He just stares at me with a dead expression. Like someone who has lost the will to leave.

"I'll make you some tea." I sighed and went to search for some tea to make.

To my surprise, there isn't a single tea bag in any of his cupboards. That tea-holic keeps at least 10 boxes but it's barren.

"You are not ok, your tea is gone, you're not responding, you are basically dead on the inside." I gaped.

"(Y/N), loved to drink tea as I read a book to her." England mumbles softly. Man, this dude is a goner.

"Come on." I pick up England bridal style and realize how light he is.

"When was the last time you ate?" England only clutches the photo tighter onto his chest.

Laying him on the couch I went back to the kitchen to make something edible. After a while of finding little ingredients, I made fish and chips.

Bringing his food, England hasn't changed positions. Sitting him up I placed a table tray on his lap.

"Thank you..." He thanks before eating.

I smile because he's eating but reminds me when he took care of me when I was little. But now he's a broken man.

Hours later of taking care of England which wasn't really hard. I decided to leave him in his room where he can rest and I'll come back tomorrow.

🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧


It's cold. Where are you? I wish I could have saved you.

I look at our photo and decided to go down to my basement. There lied a magic circle. To be exact, a transmutation circle.

I fell onto my knees and placed my hand on it as purple glowed around me.

'Bring me back my love, I want to see her, I want to see her smiling face again' I chanted.


I open my eyes to see I'm back in my basement. I look around and gasp. Running around the house, searching for (Y/N).

When I went to look for my photo of us together. The picture was there but it was me... Smiling alone.

"Yo, Iggy! Open up!" I heard a familiar American accent.

Quickly I ran to open the door. "America! What happened to (Y/N)!?"

He looked shocked but confused. "Wait, who's (Y/N)?"

I then realized. I got to see her again but didn't come back to life.

It was all a dream...

Crumbling to the ground I cried.

"Woah! Did that person do something!?" America was surprised.

"She... Was my one and only..." I choked out.

Would you like to try again?

Tea, Bitch || England x READER [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now