25 || Twin Sister

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🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧

I watch as everything crumbles into a void. The ground breaks beneath me making me fall. Nostalgia consumes me as I feel lighter as I fall into the darkness.

I smile, I forgot the reason (Y/N) had to see the different versions of myself. She just saw fractions of myself even though she is just a friend. Friend? Is she a friend? No... she's much more. She made me smile even her constant remarks and teasing annoys me. But I love the happy times we spent together.


(Y/N) falls from the side of the boat. Screaming before hitting the water hard.
I gasped.

"ALFRED HELP HER!" I screamed as my brother Alfred dashes from inside the boat to dive into the water.

After a while Alfred came up, shaking his head. I fell to my knees and cried.

He climbed back onto the boat and hugged me. I grabbed onto him. Asking if (Y/N) can come back.


Slowly the boat comes to shore. Changing into my normal clothes I drove to (Y/N)'s house.


Knocking on her door, her parents opened it with a smile but was surprised to see (Y/N) not with me.


I clenched my fists. "(Y/N) fell off the boat and drowned... We couldn't get her body..." j said bitterly.

Her mother slapped me in the face. As her father held her back.

"What's wrong?" Someone walked down the stairs with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

I gasped before running into her. Hugging and crying into her shirt.

"What's wrong, Arthur?" She asked.

"(Y/N)... Don't leave me." I whimpered.

She hugged back, without me knowing that she held her finger up to her lips to say "Shh."


I gasped and then held my mouth as I feel like I'm going to throw up. 'Did I fall in love with (Y/N)'s twin sister?'

"Arthur?" She came down.

"Who are you?" I asked softly. Anger slowly rises inside me.


"DONT LIE TO ME!!!" I screamed.

".... I'm (other name), (Y/N) died years ago and it has been years since you got us mixed up. I felt sympathetic. I guess, this only expands the wound." (other name) said lowly.

I cried onto the floor. "So she really is dead and all of this is just a dream."

I heard the door closed.

I really am alone.

Twin Sister End
Try Again?

Tea, Bitch || England x READER [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now