21 || *cough*

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Ok, this chapter is gonna be some weird thing I just thought of.

🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧

I watch as everything crumbles into a void. The ground breaks beneath me making me fall. Nostalgia consumes me as I feel lighter as I fall into the darkness.

I smile, I forgot the reason (Y/N) had to see the different versions of myself. She just saw fractions of myself even though she is just a friend. Friend? Is she a friend? No... she's much more. She made me smile even her constant remarks and teasing annoys me. But I love the happy times we spent together.


I go down to save (Y/N) as the salt water sting my eyes while I blindly wave my hand to look for (Y/N). I felt her hand and grabbed it.

Holding it close to my body I swam to what I think is up. Once I felt my head was out of the water I called for America to help me.

He threw down something that he can lift us back to the boat. I lay (Y/N) down to perform CPR.

I kept repeating the procedure till my arms hurt. Yet she wasn't moving or breathing. Knowing what might have happened I place my head on her chest to listen for a heartbeat.

As I feared there isn't any. America stood up and walked away as I stared blankly at the now claimed corpse.


I lifted my head and saw (Y/N) standing in front of me but translucent. She wore a pure white dress.

"(Y/N)?" I asked hopefully, she smiled.

"You were too late." Another (Y/N) appeared except in a black dress.

(I hate dresses but go along with it for the sake of the story)

"I died because of you." She growled.

"It was painful, to die like that." A child version appeared.

"Thou is to be punished by thy gods. As of the innocent shall find peace." Another appeared that spoke old English.

"Well, Arthur, what should you say?" The (Y/N) who appeared in front of me lifted my chin so I looked her face. She had a smirk.

"I'm sorry, we both couldn't swim. If only I didn't try to tickle you..." I started to ramble on how it was all my fault until a voice spoke out.

"Don't listen to them! They're not me!" This time it was a (Y/N) glowing blue who was hovering over the sea.

"I don't blame you for my death. Just please don't blame yourself because of me. This was just bad luck, ok? But will you promise me that we will see each other again?"

I smiled. This was the real (Y/N).

"In our next life, if we ever meet again, let us play together once more and be the best of friends," I vowed.
(Regret Message English cover anyone?)

She smiled and disappeared into mist as the other version faded too.


Everyone is wearing black at the funeral. It's very depressing too. I rather celebrate the life of someone than mourn the death of a loved one.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. This cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine." I softly vowed. Putting a ring on her hand.

(corpse bride, anyone?)

I feel lighter inside. Like my biggest worries and regrets was released.

"Yes, may you never be sad, thirsty, and lost. But most importantly, my love."


It was another day. After the meeting. Nothing ever happens except bickering and meaningless conversations.

I frown and sighed. France and America were being annoying again. They think they're superior but I was a great empire.

"OOF!" I accidentally bumped into a young woman.

"Forgive me, love." I helped her up. She was very familiar.

(H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She reminds me of (Y/N).

I was memorized by her beauty I didn't realize she was gawking at my ring on my finger.

"You have the same ring as I do." She smiled and held up her hand with the identical ring.

I smiled. "My name is Arthur Kirkland. Mind if you tell me your name?"

"(Y/N) (Last name)." We shook hands then she laughed.

"This may sound weird but I felt like someone I'm gonna meet is named Arthur."

"Are you suggesting that I'm your lover?" I wink.

"Maybe it was a coincidence that we have the same ring. Unless one of us is married." She jokes.

"Well, I gave a ring to someone I love. May we are reunited under the same stone on the same ring." Slyly I wrap an arm around her waist.

"Hmmm, you gentlemen." She cooed.

"YO IGGY! Wait, is that (Y/N)?" America ran up to us before slapping a hand on his mouth.

"Do I know you?" She asked.

I sighed and glared at the American.

Would you like to try again?

Tea, Bitch || England x READER [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now