22 || *gurgle*

763 27 25

Sorry, I couldn't do the lemon
Plus I'm sorry for the long wait.

🇬🇧-England's POV-🇬🇧

I watch as everything crumbles into a void. The ground breaks beneath me making me fall. Nostalgia consumes me as I feel lighter as I fall into the darkness.

I smile, I forgot the reason (Y/N) had to see the different versions of myself. She just saw fractions of myself even though she is just a friend. Friend? Is she a friend? No... she's much more. She made me smile even her constant remarks and teasing annoys me. But I love the happy times we spent together.


Diving down, making a splash, I went to save (Y/N). Air running low, our bodies sinking deeper. Eventually, I reached (Y/N).

But the problem is...

I don't know how to get back up.

I started to panic. Doing everything, anything. But that only made the situation worse.

My energy decreased, too tired to do anything. Looking back up. I see the light reflecting from the waves.

I then look back at (Y/N).

At least I could do this

Bringing my lips on her own. The taste of saltwater. I shared the rest of my oxygen with her. Feeling proud to see her (e/c) eyes open.

But mine close due to the lack of air. With the last of my strength, I tried to push (Y/N) up.

Feeling her kick in the water, made me hope that she can figure out how to reach the surface.


I gasp for air. Clenching my chest as I still felt like I was drowning. A few more pants for air I looked around.

I was in my basement where I practiced magic. Then near my circle was (Y/N)'s body.

Crawling but tripping I made my way to her side.

"love?" I shook her shoulders.

No response

"Come on, this is no time to be playing games," I said worriedly, feeling tears form in my eyes.

Still no response

"Please wake up!" I hold her body but as soon as I went to embrace her she turned into water and splattered on the ground.

Collecting as much as I can. I got a small vial. The water evaporated except for the portion I stored.

Holding the liquid in my hands I let my tears fall freely. "I guess you didn't make it and I couldn't save you."

I sobbed


I feel numb

But I'm inside something...


I'm in a sea of water.

I breathe, it seems this is an open space.

I can breathe, I can feel, I can see...

I then hear sobbing.

Who is that?

I look around then see a blue glowing circle. I then place my hands on it feeling nostalgic. "Arthur..."

In a flash, I was in a different place.

Arthur stood in front of me. Surprised as I am, I ran to hug him.

He slipped through my fingers as his body was made of water.


I gasped. He gasped. We both gasp.

"I never thought I would see you again..." He mutters.

"It doesn't matter I'm here now!" I try to smile but see him evaporating from his legs.

Soon he starts to disappear. I try to hold him but my hands will only phase through.

He starts to cry. "I'm such an idiot..."

"Please don't say that!" I yelled.

When I was about to touch his cheek. My hand started turning translucent.

"What's happening!?"

Arthur stayed quiet.


Arthur stops crying. He still stares at the bottle of liquid in his hands. Water evaporates in heat. So it will evaporate soon.

He held the bottle to his lips and drank the contents. The idea was foul to him. But this is one way to "preserve".

He felt mushy, seeing that his body is turning into water. He panicked. But that was short-lived as he turned completely into water.

The next thing he knew he was in a white space in front of (Y/N)


(Y/N) sighed. But smiled.

Now able to hold Arthur in her arms. She whispered in his ear. "You really are my idiot."

He disappeared into thin air.

Looking up into nothing (Y/N) only let a single tear fall before disappearing too as Arthur did.

Disappearing End

Stay tuned

Tea, Bitch || England x READER [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now