10: Short and Steamy

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The staff at the Daily Grind were beginning to get a little concerned. Shawn was considering staging an intervention; Greta thought they should alert NASA to the alien presence in their own little circle and Luke was worried this meant he was going to have to take over extra shifts.

Scott was, at the best of times, a little moody and only laughed at the general misfortune of others. He left his phone in the back and didn't bother checking it when he went on break. He arrived ten minutes early and made small talk when it was required of him. Yet, as they watched him stroll through the door - one minute before he was due to begin - they barely recognized the blond in question.

"Hey," he greeted, lips curved into a smile that chilled them all to the bones. Scott shrugged off his jacket, sliding his phone into his back pocket and tousling his cropped locks before making his way over to the counter. "Weather's warming up, isn't it? About time." The others just blinked back at him.

"Uh, can I-?"

"Yeah, go on ahead Mike," Greta acknowledged while Mike took the opportunity to edge away from the fake Scott that moved to settle himself behind the counter.

Scott began to fiddle with the espresso machine, checking the coffee and water levels. "Been busy?"

"I should be asking you that, from the looks of things," Greta muttered, borderline horrified as she was greeted with a laugh in response.

"Fuck off," he bit back, but it was lacking in his usual malice. Greta frowned.

"Being cheerful doesn't suit you," she added before shaking her head. "What happened to the old Scott?"

"He started having regular sex," Scott pointed out, looking over his shoulder at her with a smirk. "Would you like the PDF copy of my review?" Greta shuddered. "It's in-depth. Five pages. Some of my finest work."

"Please, stop," Greta groaned. "I feel sorry for that poor girl." Scott's smirk took on a sly edge.

"Something tells me she's not complaining too much. Probably the vast number of orga-" His attention was (thankfully) diverted as he sensed a presence approaching the counter. Scott grinned. "There, she can tell you herself," Scott laughed as Andie looked confused, glancing between the two of them.


"Tell Greta about your greatly improved sex life." Andie blinked.

"Oh, yeah, it's great. Scott could run for office based on his sexual prowess - oh wait, men get jobs without sexual favors," she responded with a sigh while Greta stifled a laugh. Scott rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky I know you're kidding," he muttered as he stepped back to the espresso machine. "The usual, I assume?"

"Can I get it on 'sleeping with the barista' discount?"

"No." Andie sighed, a small smile on her lips.

"What's the point then?" After pausing to roll his eyes at her, Scott busied himself making the coffee while Andie leant against the countertop, absent-mindedly reading some of the leaflets left by clubs throughout the city.

Greta hovered by the door to the stock room, humming as she watched the two talk amongst themselves, smiling and more than likely making fun of each other. She felt a pang of jealousy and, as she watched Scott's face warm towards the petite brunette, a pang of fear. Although he protested to her well-meaning cautions, Greta really did feel some sort of motherly responsibility over Scott. His cold outward appearance deterred most people, sure, but over the few years she'd known him, Greta was well used to it and saw the cracks in it.

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