Confronting Firestrom

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"Want some of my fries Sam?" Dr Wells mumbled,with a face full of fries. Myself,Dr Wells and Caitlin were all on our stakeout for Firestorm(the merged Martin Stein and Ronnie Raymond)

Dr Wells and I were enjoying our big belly burger meals,while Caitlin stared out of the drenched windows.

"You are one hungry man Dr Wells,anyway I have my own" I explained,nodding as I watched wells devour the fries.

"Caitlin?" Dr Wells asked.

"No thanks. Why would he come back here?" Caitlin asked,watching the rain putter pattering away on the glass.

"Because this is his home. I don't mean the actual house. I mean Clarissa. She's his home. And we all want to go home again." Dr Wells spoked,taking breaks to take bits of his burger. "You know,where we feel safe. Where we feel loved. Ronnie is your home."

"Not anymore." Caitlin said glumly,and we all became quite for a moment.

"Remember what I told you on the first day at Star Labs?" Dr Wells munched on chips as he grumbled.

"A scientists work is never finished." Caitlin said proudly,that she remembered.

"You said that to me too" I smiled,looking from the backseat at the two of them.

"Well,my work did this to Ronnie and did this to Martin Stein. But it's not finished and it won't be until we bring them both home." Dr wells announced,sounding in away hurt but also confident that he could de-merge them.

Whoosh. We all turned are heads in the direction in the direction of the sound,and there was a bright orange flame in the sky. Firestorm had arrived.

"So I'm assuming you have Barry on speed dial? Sam do not go into sight of firestorm till Barry is here,you will need backup." Dr Wells ordered,and I nodded in response.

I quickly changed into my suit,and ran behinds some bushes and waited for my partner. I hope we can make Martin see sense and come and let us help him. For both of there sakes.

"Hello partner" Barry said,in a cowboys accent.

"Took you long enough" I rolled my eyes,and we both ran into view of Martin/Ronnie. He looked a wreck. Long overgrown hair,dirty face and rough clothes.

"Professor Stein. I'm not here to hurt you,and I know you don't want to hurt anyone else,so if you could just not...flame on" Barry finished his sentence startled,as firestorm flamed on. Flames were burning form the top of his head and hands,pretty much everywhere and I knew this wasn't going to be good. His eyes also were filled with flames,which just made this feel even scarier.

He then hurled a ball of fire straight in our direction,but we both managed to speed away. The flame went and hit a car,and set it alight. Barry rushed up to Firestorm,and pinned him against the wall. Unfortunate for Allen,Firestorm flamed on and flew him towards the sky.

Which left me on the ground,to try and follow the flame in the sky and save the Flash. Luckily Caitlin and Wells were also following so I just ran next to the Star Labs van. Then I saw Barry hurtling from the air,and I ran to catch him.

And so I did,being a hero to the Flash once again. I put him on the ground as he was burning hot from firestorms touch. Barry was trying to get up,but he was burnt to much to run.

Firestorm flamed on,to throw one more flame at us,but stopped when he saw his women. Caitlin.

"No!" She yelled,and at that moment I knew there was still hope for Ronnie. He then flew away into the night sky.

"Well tat was terrifying" Barry trembled as he spoke.

"You can say that again" I replied.


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