Wells' Hideout

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I woke up,in the med bay,with a worried Barry clenching onto my hand.

My vision was still blurry,but I pushed myself to sitting up.

I was then crushed into a hug by Barry. "It's good to have you awake"

He wouldn't let go,but I didn't want him to. His hug was filled with warmth that I enjoyed.

"It's good to know that I didn't die from blood loss." I chuckled and his hand went to my lips.

"Never talk about dieing again"

"Yeah sir!" I saluted and got up. I was now changed out a my suit and wearing a Star Labs T-shirt and black jeans. Comfy.

Barry just stared at me as I walked up to him. "Thanks for running me here"

"Anything for you Sam" our eyes just locked,and neither one of us wanted to look away. Everything felt just right,until...

"Sam. Thank god you're ok!" Caitlin surged up to me and bear hugged me.

"If you don't let go,you'll end up killing me" She slapped my arm.

"Why did you not tell me you were experiencing head pains?"

"Because i didn't think it was serious?" I made a small smile,and she grabbed my hand.

"Time to speak to Bates,and I'm holding your hand in case you pass out again,the impact to your head was very severe. Even with your Speedster healing,you could pass out at anytime. Could take weeks cause you've hit that same spot multiple times" I mentally cursed. Why am I always getting hit on my head? What about my arm?

"Well,in that case,I'll hold the other" Barry muttered,taking my right hand. A bunch of shivers ran down my body. Barry's touch normally does that.

"If you're all done worrying about Samantha can we go? And next time,please inform us Ms Smith if anything is wrong. We're here to help" Wells informed,and I nodded.

"Let's go see Bates" we all walked down,hand in hand. If only Cisco was here and Wells wasn't,then it would be perfect.

Once we arrived at the accelerator,Bates was already beating up his cell.

"Let me out!" Bates as Iris yelled. He then morphed into me.

"Hey cutie? Want to let me out of here?" Barry smirked,and looked at me with gleaming eyes.

"Like anyone would be dumb enough to fall for that." Caitlin laughed,looking uncomfortable.

"And I would never say that! I'm not that upfront. That's how you know Bates didn't inherit my brain." I sassed,causing Wells to grin and Caitlin and Barry to laugh hysterically.

"Seen a lot of things that you can become,but who are you Hannibal Bates?" Wells questioned,moving his wheelchair closer to the cell.

He morphed into bold man,with like a dr eggman sort of vibe. "I...I can't remember" he can't even remember who he is. Now that is sad. We all looked up,as Bates looked confused. "I can't remember."

"Well,let's lock up shop. Good night,everyone" Barry closed the door to the prison,and I sighed with relief.

Caitlin at this point had let go of my hand,but Barry was still gripping it. And I didn't mind whatsoever.

Wells rolled away,and Caitlin began to speak "What about Dr Wells?"

"Come here." Barry told Caitlin,while he kept hold of my hand.

He made Caitlin then hold his hand,and we all ran to Barry's crime lab at CCPD.

Cisco and Joe were now back,and revealing there findings.

"That's impossible" Caitlin said to Cisco who was typing away quickly.

"Caitlin,I ran the DNA test twice." While I was knocked out Barry found out all about this,while Caitlin and me were confused. Joe and Cisco found a corpse that's DNA matched Dr Wells.
"It's a perfect match"

"This body is the real Harrison Wells." Barry kept hold of my hand and walked me over to the remains of the corpse. It had been decaying for years now.

Barry then whispered in my ear. "If you feel like you're gonna pass out,please tell me"

I nodded.

"If this is Dr Wells,then who have we been working for this whole time?" Caitlin asked,looking more confused than ever.

"Who knows" I blurted out,string a the body.

"Dr McGee said that after the accident,Wells became a completely different person." Barry took a small pause for us all to process. "It's because he is a different person."

We all gave worried glances to each other. This is bad on a whole other level.

Once again,I don't know the name of the man who killed my family,and killed the chance of me having a normal life. The man who ruined my life.


Now the gang minus Joe and 'Dr Wells' are waiting for Cisco to finish running his building test of Star Labs.

"What are you two doing?" Caitlin asked,as Barry and her walked in together after doing a check on the pipeline.

"After the accelerator exploded,I build a 3D model of Star Labs so that I could pinpoint exactly what caused the malfunction." Cisco explained,flicking through the model on the computer.

"And you never ran the test?" Barry sounded perplexed.

"Of course I did." Cisco replied as if it were obvious. "I just never had any reason to look at any areas outside the pipeline or the cortex. It's a big bulging. Lots of places for Wells to hide something."

Then the programmed pinpointed itself onto something that didn't look right.

"What is that?" We all leaned closer to the screen.

"That shouldn't be there." Cisco pointed.

We walked out of the cortex,while Cisco scanned the walls to find this secret room,thing.

"I'm picking up mor activity around here." The machine bleeped as Cisco spoke.

The beeping began picking up really quickly. "Tachyons" Cisco turned off the device and said "here"

Barry bagel feeling the wall for any openings. Like kids do in movies. And then he found something that scanned his hand. And wall materialised to reveal and dark room.

We stepped in,and the wall closed up.

Lights switched on,to reveal a case. A case that had a suit that made me rage.

The man in yellows.

"Oh my god." Caitlin reacted,as I inched forwards.

It was his room. The man who made my being a live an utter hell. I just wanted to scream,and kill fake Wells on the spot,but I knew i couldn't.

The lights on the rest of the room switched on,reading a white room with circles sticking out.

I glanced around,trying to take in this room. And then my eyes shot to Barry as he said.


I looked up,and saw a news article that read,Flash and Bolt Vanish In Crisis.

And I stood there,shocked after I read the date. April 25th 2024. I was going to vanish with BA,less that ten years from now.

"What the frak?" Cisco spoke.

What the frak indeed.

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