Six Months

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"So, we all know this is the last night of tour, and after this you'll get to go home." Ellen took a pause, smiling and glancing back at the picture with the words 'Thinking Bout You' splayed across the middle. "Was this song written about someone who's waiting for you back home?"

I was completely engulfed in the television. It was the last night of tour, thank fuck, and Ariana's interview with Ellen aired as a way to cap it off. Tomorrow, it was straight home to Miami, and I could not be happier. This six month tour felt like twenty years. Especially when she obviously couldn't come back, and my junior year of college kept me entirely too busy to visit her.

Ariana did this adorable little rocking thing before glancing at the screen and back at Ellen. "Yeah," She covered her head with her arms, and I immediately knew it was to hide the blush consuming her face. The crowd laughed along with Ellen at Ariana's antics, and I could feel a grin splitting my face. God, I missed my baby. 

"Do we know this person?" Ellen dug in a comical way, and a picture of Mac Miller, Big Sean, and Emily Rickards; Ariana's first female relationship; pulled up on the screen. "Rekindling any old flames?"

Her head whipped back up, and If someone didn't know the many faces of Ariana Grande, they would not see the look of disgust that crossed her eyes for the tiniest second. She schooled her expression immediately after, of course, but I was already dying of laughter by then. "Shut up!" My best friend, Tori, slapped my arm, throwing me a humorous glare. "I want to see if anyone else saw that!"

Luckily, Ellen was still waiting for an answer from Ariana, seemingly clueless. "No. Emily and I are still good friends, but there is definitely no romance there or with the other two." 

"So, its completely new?" Ellen had a gleam in her eyes, and I saw Tori shoot me a nervous glance from my peripheral vision.

"N-no, we have actually been together just shy of eleven months. It was a few months before I started to get ready for tour. Which was insane, right?" She directed her face to the crowd. "Who's ready for international?" 

Ellen's small audience went crazy, and I felt the corners of my lips tug up. Ariana was trying to drive the conversation away from us. There was no way I was ready to come out yet, and she knew that. 

The light was still in Ellen's eyes, but she sat back in her chair, allowing the topic to change. 

The rest of the interview sped by, and before I knew it Ariana was up on stage performing Thinking Bout You. 

"Had my eyes rolling back
Had me arching my back."

I could barely hold back the whine in my throat around Tori. God, that verse put images I could not sanely handle into my head. Tori, with her ever-present sixth sense, started cracking up at my discomfort. "Oh girl, calm down! With how many times I've heard your girl screaming her head off in her dressing room before a show." She shook her head. "We both know she's feeling the exact same way when singing that verse." I didn't even pretend to be surprised. I have had an unexpected amount of dressing room sex with Ariana in the little time that we have been around each other. And boy. She took the word 'screamer' to another level. "She performs better after it though, so no one can complain."

Even if I wasn't surprised, I still was embarrassed as hell, and a knock on the door of my apartment was the only thing that prevented Tori from seeing my tomato colored face. Tori shot up suddenly, smiling wickedly when she saw my hands covering the crotch of my pants. 

What? Thinking about all of that before show sex got to me.

"I'll get it." She sung, somehow managing to sound like a heavenly chorus even while playing around, and pranced around the corner. There was a squeal that was quickly shushed, a lot of whispering, and then some high-pitched sounds, that reminded me of people conspiring together, before Tori called out. "See ya later, Y/n!" The door slammed shut. Who the hell was at the door, and why did Tori leave so abruptly? I wanted to get up and check, I really did, but I was way too comfortable on my couch. 

Thinking Bout You (Ariana/You)Where stories live. Discover now