Jaylen Alyse

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January 14th
10:14 P.M.

"Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck." I paced back and forth, muttering these words into the air as the workers tried to calm down Ariana over the speaker phone. I could hear her freaking out, but no part of my body would work to try to comfort her.

The nearest hospital was rated three stars on yelp and apparently might make you wait forever to even get seen, and our only other option was driving two hours and twenty-two minutes to the UCLA Medical Center where we had everything planned and prepared.

Safe to say I was freaking the fuck out.

"Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Hol-" My head reeled as someone came up to me and literally slapped the shit out of me. I couldn't help but cradle my cheek and stare in shock. "The hell, Nina?"

Shaking her head, she ignored my anger completely and grabbed unto my collar to force me to look into her eyes. "The love of your life, your babies mother, is currently in an Uber heading back up here and freaking the hell out! You need to get your shit together and be strong for her. She's the one who currently has a human being trying to force their way out of her vagina, not you! Act like a fucking future mom and help her stay calm, Y/l/n!"

"Fuck. Okay. Fuck." I could feel my eyes blinking rapidly as I forced myself to woman up. I had to be the calm one for Ari cause I could tell she was seconds from a whole flipping meltdown. Walking closer to the phone, I took it off of speaker and held it up to my ear. "Moonlight, breathe for me okay? Breathe baby."

The other side of the phone quieted, and I could hear her breathing before tiny sobs started breaking through. "I-I'm so scared, baby."

"I know, Moonlight, but we're going to be alright, I promise." Headlights broke through the windows, and I quickly rushed outside to meet the Uber. Ariana flew into my arms the second I opened her door, breathing hard but not crying, as I ran my fingers through her hair.

The Uber driver was awkwardly standing outside his door, blowing his breath into his gloved hands as he looked around.

"Hey man, my fia- girlfriend is going into labor, can you get us to the community hospital near here."

He scratched his head, fingers combing through his brown hair before moving to scratch his scraggly beard too. Nodding, he opened his door again. "Yeah, hop in."

The main entrance flung open as Nina and her quartet came out the door. "Good luck guys! Can't wait for you to meet your daughter!" Nina grinned at both of us, waving with her arm that wasn't holding her violin case.

Waving back, I said a quick thanks before helping Ariana into the car, rubbing my hands together for warmth after I shut the door behind us. The majority of the ride was quiet. Ariana was taking deep breaths, staring out the window for a distraction from her beginning contractions.

"You were going to propose to me weren't you?" She suddenly asked, voice slightly strained from the pain. Trailing my eyes over her face, I nodded. "I'm so sorry, baby. I feel like an idiot for not noticing the instruments Nina and those other guys had until after everything. Like why else would there be a classical quartet for a magical private dinner you set up for us." She rhetorically asked, laughing slightly. "How were you going to propose?"

Turning my body fully her direction, I took her hands between mine, gazing directly into her eyes. "After I had wined and dined you a little bit." A slight smile pulled unto my face. "I was going to stand up and ask you to dance with me. Which you, being a huge sap and all, would have definitely agreed to." She nodded bemusedly, lips parting as she gazed back into my eyes. "Then violins would softly start to play "Moonlight" while we swayed slowly, and I was going to pull you close while looking deep into your eyes and say, "Moonlight, I never thought that I would be here. Before you came into my life I didn't know what love really was. I never knew that waking up next to you would become my favorite moment every morning. Or that hearing your voice would cause my heart to start pumping like I'm 15 again. Or that even just hearing your name would make my stomach fill with butterflies. I never knew that my life would be this full, and complete, and happy until I met you, and now that I do know; I never want to be without you ever again."

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