Long Nights

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^^ Your Outfit for the day!
"Slob on my knob
Like corn on the cob
Check in with me
And do your job
Lay o- Hey!" I whined in protest when Tori turned off the song.

We were stuck in a car for seven hours, with eight more to go for the first day, and apparently Tori had gotten tired of my nonstop rap playlist. "I was actually listening to that, Tor!"

"Look," she started, and I flicked my eyes back and forth from the road to her face, barely holding back my smile at her adorable irritation. It rarely happened, but when Tori got mad It was always cute. "I lasted through a lot of raunchy songs. Including that one by that Montana guy that was called F-.. Eff Her Brains out. I need some pop, or indie, or reggae, or anything but rap right now."

I laughed at her, but gave in, handing over my Spotify premium code.

With everything packed into the trunk of Tori's Prius, my motorcycle on a trailer in the back, Tori and I were actually moving. We decided to road trip, and honestly I was tired of being in a car. Tori made it better though. Even the daunting thirty three hours of driving left didn't seem as terrifying.

Just lying. They still sounded scary as fuck.

"So what type of place is your parent's house in? Like I've never been to California, is it nice?"

Tori, finally having picked some music group called Hiatus Kaiyote, excitedly bounced in her seat. "It is honestly one of the most beautiful places in SoCal. The lake there is huge, and blue like the ocean, and my parents have a boat there so we could always use it, and the weather is great all the time." She paused, stopping to take in a huge breath and release it. "I'm just so happy to be doing all of this with you. There is no one else I would rather be here, following my dreams, with."

The stretch of the highway in front of us was empty, so I risked a look over at her. The setting sun was casting orange, gold, and pink hues over her. Making her golden locks shine in a way I've never seen. Her brown eyes looked as light as the streaks of sun pouring in through the window, and the grin on her face was breathtakingly beautiful.

Tori was breathtakingly beautiful.

I opened my mouth, not exactly sure what I was about to say with where my head was, but the ringing of a phone broke the atmosphere. She reached towards her phone, swiping it without even looking, and the sound of the call played on the car speakers. "Hello?"

Tori's eyes widened, and she rushed to look at her phone. I didn't need to look though. I recognized the voice over the call immediately.

"Please don't hang up! I know I'm one of the last people you want to talk to, but I just.. I need to know that y/n is not spiraling out somewhere. I know she's probably not okay, but.. Please don't hang up."

My eyes started to burn, and I gripped the wheel tighter. Focusing on the feel of that instead of how I was feeling inside. Tori looked over at me, probably wondering what to do, but I could do little more than shrug. If I spoke I would break. "Ariana." I fought down the flinch at the sound of her name. "You're right. You're one of the last people I want to speak too. Y/n is fan-freaking-tastic. She's actually with me right now, trying to hide her laughter at this situation. Now that you know, feel free to never call me again. I'm actually blocking this number right now. Have a horrible life. Bye!"

Tori mashed the red button, and all I could do was blink. I felt her staring at me, and I held it together for about five seconds before I burst out laughing. It took Tori longer, but eventually she started laughing with me. "I can't right now! Holy hell! You actually just did that! I'm dying!" I could barely speak through my laughter, and I could hear Tori laughing just as hard. "Tor, you're such a badass. You literally told her I was laughing at her."

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