Alternate Climax Story?

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What everyone wanted to happen.


Cindy stretched across the couch, putting her head directly over my crotch, and the pressure, plus lack of any sexual release lately, made my eyes widen at the feeling. I tried to will away any further contact, but it seemed like Cindy could not find a comfortable spot for her head. She kept moving it back and forth, with just enough pressure to make it a rubbing motion.

At this point, I was at least half-hard and feeling majorly guilty over it. When Cindy still didn't stop moving though, a groan crawled out of my throat. Suddenly all movement stopped, and I nervously held my breath. "Hey Y/n?"

"Hmm?" I hummed, heart going a mile a minute in my chest.

"I know you told me about your.. You know, but..I never saw one on a girl. Can I?"

I felt light-headed, and I was almost momentarily convinced that this was a dream. "What?"

She rolled over and placed her palm directly over my crotch. "Please?"

In all honesty, I was tempted. Cindy was gorgeous, and funny, and one of the closest people in my life right now, but there's one thing she wasn't. 


"No, Cindy! Chill!" I gently moved her off of me, and sprang off of the couch. "You know I'm with Ariana, and regardless of how our relationship is right now, there is no way I would ever cheat on her."

I watched a light dim in her eyes, and suddenly she was sitting up and spurting out an apology. "Y/n, I'm so sorry, I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship!"

Would Ariana want me to stay friends with someone who just possibly tried to fuck me? "I'll have to really give thought to that." She hung her head, but I forced myself not to let it affect me. "Right now though, I need space. I'll catch you soon, okay?"

With a sigh, and a slightly awkward moment when I dodged her hug, she left. Though I put on a tough face, my heart was pounding. If I was even a fraction weaker or lonelier..

I almost cheated on Ariana. I mean, hadn't I technically already cheated by kissing Cindy? 

The dull roar of the TV bought me out of the hole I was falling into, and I moved to turn everything off and get ready for bed. 

After showering, partially to get the feeling of Cindy off of me, I threw on a tank top and some boxers and snuggled up under my covers. 

Movement dragged me out of my dreams, the low sound of someone sniffling and pulling back my covers, floating into my ears. 

My first sleep induced thought was that Cindy was going way too far, but then I remembered locking the front door earlier. "Y/n?"

The quiet call of my name caused my heart to start pounding. There was no way I wouldn't recognize her voice. Quickly sitting up, I reached over to turn on my bedside lamp. "Moonlight." My initial excitement over her sudden appearance dulled as the light illuminated her red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Moonlight, what's wrong?"

"C-can you. Can you just hold me right now?" Her voice trembled, sobs stuck in her throat. "Cause I-I really really need you to hold me."

Without a shred of hesitance, I reached out and pulled her into me, moving our bodies until she was firmly cuddled into my side. "Whatever happened, I love you, and I'm here for you."

Her subtle, shaky breathing was the only sound that could be heard, but by the trembling of her body I knew she was crying. "I-I love you too."


"Tragedy strikes Manchester as a bom-"

"On a day that should have been filled with happiness and fun, everything took a horrible turn whe-"

"There has not yet been a publicly released total of how many people have been injured or killed, but police have informed the parties invo-"

I changed the channel back to Saturday morning cartoons as I heard my bedroom door open. Shoveling some Oreo O's and almond milk into my mouth, I watched as Ariana shuffled into the kitchen, wearing one of my T-shirts that came down to mid-thigh on her. "Good morning." I softly smiled, trying to gauge how she needed me to act right now. 

"Morning." She mumbled back. Coming over to me, she squeezed her way between me and the counter and sat on my lap, cuddling her head into my neck. "Can I have some?" 

Nodding, I scooped some more cereal unto the spoon, and lifted it up towards her face. It went that way for the remainder of breakfast. I didn't speak, but I don't think she needed me to. I was hoping that just being here for her would help her in some way. 

"Mom!" Joan swooped Ariana into her arms, both of the women weeping together in the doorway of Joan's home. 

"I'm so relieved that you're safe!" I heard Joan whisper, her hands tenderly cradling her daughters face as she pulled back. Frankie was next to hold Ariana, the siblings crying just as emotionally as Ari and her mom had. And lastly, Theo held her in his massive arms. He didn't cry, but I knew he was just as relieved as the rest of us.

A few minutes later we were all seated on the couch. Ariana was curled into her mom's side, head on her chest, and looking all the part of a little kid seeking comfort from their mother. No one spoke for a few moments; Finally, Frankie broke the silence. "What's next?"

I looked over to Ariana. She was rubbing my ring against her lips, staring out the window. After Frankie's question her eyes slowly shut. "I was thinking about a fundraiser concert. In memory of everyone who." Her eyes opened as she swallowed. "Everyone who lost their life, to unite everyone who went through this horrible part of our lives, and to show that hate and violence shouldn't stop the world from spreading love. I want to raise money so that anyone who lost a loved one doesn't have to struggle." 

"That's a beautiful idea, Ari." She threw Theo a small, grateful smile at his comment. "Have you talked to Scooter about it?"

She shook her head before placing it back on her mom's chest. "Not yet, but I know he'll love it."

"You're such a strong, passionate, beautiful soul, sweetie, and I'm so glad to see this atrocity hasn't broken that completely." Joan stroked Ariana's head before placing a kiss on her forehead. "And I know you love to help others, but what can you, and all of us, do to help you?"

The room went deathly still as the question on everyone's mind was asked. A few seconds passed, before I watched Ari's lips start quivering, and my heart cracked as tears started sliding down her face. Our eyes locked, and I didn't hesitate to open my arms. Out of the corner of my eyes, I watched all of the other people in the room turn their attention to something else as Ari hurried to curl up against my front. 

She sobbed silently as I held her, peppering kisses all over her face. "I f-feel like I've been stuck or frozen. Like everyone is moving faster than me, and I can't seem to catch my breath. Every time I close my eyes, I'm there. At that concert, and I don't know how to get out." She intertwined our fingers as she talked, moving my hand against her lip absentmindedly. "I need to talk about this, to let it out. I'm going to go to therapy."

"We support you one hundred percent, Moonlight."

Murmurs of agreement rang out. "That's all I need from you guys: love and support." Even with tears drying on her face and a stuffed nose, her first real smile appeared. It was beautiful to me after not seeing it for so long, and I couldn't help but lean forward and softly peck her lips. Her fingers rose up to grip the back of my neck; Her lips staying in their embrace with mine for a few seconds longer. "Love, support, and kisses from you." She chuckled against my mouth.


So obviously Still In Love is... dead.

Do you guys want me to make this alternate timeline into something?

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