Build Up

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^^ Your outfit for the party

*Three Years Later*
"Hey Scarlett, can we have a little bit more emotions in that scene? You know, worry and longing, but also a tad bit of sexual tension. Remember, this is the pivotal moment in the beginning of Natasha and Jennifer's romantic journey. It needs to leave an impression." 

Scarlett nodded her head at Joss, before rolling her shoulders and turning back to me. I took a breath, channeling everything I knew about Jennifer Walters and envisioning myself as her. When I finished becoming the character, I got in my position and waited on the cues to begin. 

"Jennifer," Natasha took a small step towards me, her emerald eyes softening. "Don't go. Bruce is not in his right mind, and you haven't finished your training." Her mouth opened, and there seemed to be something stuck on the tip of her tongue.

I scanned Natasha's face with my eyes, trying to figure out why she was so against me going. Loud booming and terrified screams drifted up from the city below our airship, and I winced at the thought of how much destruction the Hulk was causing. "Be honest with me here. Why don't you want me to go?" I chanced a step into her personal space, intoxicated by the way her breathing sped up slightly. 

Her eyes stuck on my lips when I spoke, and I watched as she slowly dragged her gaze up to my eyes. Looking into hers I saw an array of emotions, and I was working to decipher some of them until a metaphorical shield slammed down. She was suddenly back on guard. "I don't want you to go because you're not authorized to. You might be a green hulk, but you're not as strong as him, and you can cause a lot more harm than good by going down there to fight him."

Releasing a frustrated grunt, I backed up, staring Natasha down the whole time. "Don't worry, even though I'm weaker than him," I spit out, anger lacing every word. "I'll try not to screw anything up too badly." With that said I jumped through the hole Hulk ripped in the side of the ship - really, it was just a black X on the floor in front of the green screen - and the scene was over. 

"Wow, just beautiful! I felt like I was really in that moment! That's the last scene for you two, so you can head home! Good job, guys!"

I stretched my arms above my head, popping my back, and drifted out the door besides Scarlett. After I threw myself into acting full force, I started auditioning for small roles while going to college. It was hard, and I heard a lot of no's but two years after my first audition, I finally heard a yes. Apparently, someone up top saw my audition video for the small role of Pedestrian number 2, and thought I was perfect to play their newest Avenger: She-hulk/Jennifer Walters. Now, here I was walking next to an phenomenal actress, finished filming another day of the second Avengers movie I'm in.

A lot had changed in three years. 

"Hey, you busy? Chris, Robert, and I are all going out for breakfast tacos if you want to come." 

I held up my hands in an apologetic manner. "Breakfast tacos sound amazing. Sorry though, I promised someone I would take them out this morning."

Scarlett wolf-whistled teasingly besides me. "Going on a hot date, huh? Get it, Y/n!" 

I shook my head, laughing, and turning towards my dressing room. "See ya tomorrow, Scar!"
"Wow babe, just love how you dressed up for our date." 

I rolled my eyes, laughing at the sickly sweet yet sarcastic tone in Tori's voice. "Hey, I'm have no shame in this outfit." I looked down at my sweats and t-shirt. "This is all the dressing up that needs to be done, thank you very much." She conceded with a smile, taking a sip of her fanta. "Plus, that's the exact reason I didn't dress up. So many people already think we're dating cause we live together. The last thing I need is some pap taking a picture of us dressed up for a 'date'."

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