Baby Bumb

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Ariana POV

Sep 18th
3:15 A.M.

I whined, pushing Y/n's cuddling arm off of me, as I tried my best to get comfortable in bed. A soft snore sounded in my ear, and I rolled my eyes. Why was I still awake?

A flutter in my stomach reminded me of the reason for my insomnia; my baby girl was too restless to fall asleep.

I smiled softly at the thought; we had just got the gender last week. Mine and Y/n's daughter was literally less than five months from being brought into the world, and I could honestly not wait. I wonder who she would look more like. Secretly, I hoped that she would come out looking exactly like Y/n. From her eyes, to her nose, to her lips, and dear God that jawline. She would be the most beautiful baby in the world if she got her looks.

A sudden craving filled my mouth, and I knew I had been pretty tame for most of this pregnancy, and it was literally the middle of the night, but I would be damned If my body wasn't yelling at me for a vegan pizza with pickles dipped into some natural ice cream.

Lightly tapping Y/n's cheek, I turned more her direction, staring at her peaceful sleeping features. "Baby. Baby wake up."

"hm. Huh. W-what's happening?" Her eyes fluttered open, fighting not to shut in her half-sleep state.

"I'm hungry."

"There's food downstairs."

She tried to roll over, but I laid my hand on her cheek, tapping a soft beat with my fingers. "But you ate the last pizza yesterday, and I want some pizza with pickles and Ice cream."

Finally, she woke up a little more. Sitting up and turning towards me, she stretched her arms and yawned. "We literally have none of those things?" I hummed, shaking my head no. "And you really need it," She glanced over at the clock. "At almost four in the morning?" Shaking my head yes, I giggled at her groan. "Baby, really?"

"Please." I sat up and moved towards her, cradling her cheeks in my hands as I kissed her. "I really really need this right now."

Her sleep filled eyes gazed into mine, flickering back and forth until she finally sighed. "Okay, I'll go to the store." Hopping out of the bed, she threw on some nearby clothes before she leaned down to speak to my stomach. "Dang it, Jaylen. Can't you be hungry when it's light outside?" Pecking my rounded stomach lovingly, she leaned her forehead gently on it. "It's okay, I still love you more than anything in this world, Munchkin." This was her. This was the woman I was going to marry. "Why are you looking at me like that, Grande?" She laughed nervously, raising her head to better meet my vision.

"No reason. I just love you."

My heart fluttered at the grin she gave me, and I almost cried when she planted a soft kiss on my forehead. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, but I had never loved her more than in this moment. "I love you too, and that's why I'm going to go get this food before I fall back asleep." Laughing, she pulled the hood on her hoodie up, pecked my lips, and walked out of the door.

Sep 22nd
5:33 P.M.

"So we kept you out of the public eye long enough, Ari. People are starting to get restless, and I think it's time to show... the bump." He said the last two words dramatically, laughing at himself.

I whined Scooter's name, letting my head fall back against my plush couch I was sitting on. I hadn't announced my pregnancy yet, and I honestly still didn't want to. This was so precious and private to me, and I just knew someone somewhere would find a way to invade the bubble I was in. "One more month?"

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