The Effect

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^^Your outfit for the end

"Hey, I'm Cindy," I tried to dim the smile on my face to no avail. "And this not so little guy is Retro." 

I grabbed her outreached hand, giving the softest skin I've ever felt a slight squeeze and shake. "I'm Y/n, and you're definitely right about him being not so little." I bent over, ruffling Retro's fur and giggling as he licked me. "Felt like a tank had hit me." I stood back up, again wiping dog slobber off of my face and laughing. "A slobbery tank." 

Moving my head back up to her direction, my heart started racing as I looked into her eyes, that seemed to change from dark brown to hazel to almost gray in a certain lights, and I quickly broke the eye contact. "Hey, this might sound weird, and feel free to decline, but would you want to hang out with me today or sometime in the future? I'm new to the area and have yet to really make any friends."

Say no. A tiny part of my brain, that I swear sounded like Ari, was totally against the idea of being friends with this woman. But why should I not? Though this gorgeous woman caused weird reactions in my body, I loved Ariana with my entire being, she was just going to be a friend. "Yeah, I actually was bored out of my mind today, so I'm down to do whatever." 

"Great! Don't expect to not be bored with me though, I was just thinking about taking Retro for a walk and talking." I laughed along with her. Her laugh wasn't musical, but it was real and uninhibited, and that was even more adorable for some reason.

"I literally came to a dog park without a dog. I think if anyone is boring here, it's me." 

"Wait," She froze, eyes wide and worried. "Fun people normally come to dog parks with dogs? Damn, before today apparently I've been doing it wrong." 

I slowly rolled my eyes as I chuckled. "So, you said you just moved here. Where from?" 

She started a leisure pace down the sidewalk, dark hair billowing gently from the wind, and her long legs causing me to move a little faster to keep up. "Costa Blanca, Spain. I actually was going to move to San Bernadino cause I'm going to their Art Institute, but Canyon Lake is a little nicer, so I'm deciding to commute."

"No shit!" I excitedly sped up, turning around and walking backwards in front of her. "I go to the only Art Institute in San Bernadino! I'm only in Canyon Lake because my friend's, Tori, parents had a house down here we could live in for free."

"Tori as in Tori Kelly?" She playfully asked, slight sarcasm dripping from her words.

"Yeah, actually," I moved back besides her, almost tripping over Retro's leash. "She's my best friend."

It was her turn to nearly trip, eyes going wide, and Retro speeding up to avoid her. "I'm like her biggest fan!" She exclaimed after she found her footing. "Her single, Dear No One, is always on constant repeat on my spotify! I'm so excited for her album." She declared all of that out in one breath. "Her and Ariana Grande, are like my favorite new-time artist."

Deciding to not tell her the fact that I was also dating Ariana, I put on a secret grin before changing the conversation. "So what are you going to art school for?"

"I have no idea." She giggled, previous excitement fading until she was back to regular. "I really love drawing, and I guess I'm just trying to see where I can take that." 

"That must have been a scary conversation to have with your family." I observed, remembering how I'm still avoiding telling my own parents. "The art school talk is already hard enough." I humourously said.

"It was an extremely hard conversation to have. A lot of yelling and arguing. Eventually we just decided to agree to disagree, and If it doesn't work out I'm going home to work in my papa's modeling agency." 

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