Chapter 1

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Persuading the Enemy

Chapter 1

It was a regular, boring day in both Ikebukuro and in Shinjuku. It was one of those days when nothing happened. With the cup of dark coffee in his hands famous information broker was logging of from his chat room and turning around on his desk chair in order to see the end of yet another day. Behind his window he could note the street and on it little people that looked like tiny ants. He was so bored that even the prospect of visiting "Russian Sushi" and trying to see what his infamous monster was doing wasn't working for him. So, when the day turned into the night, he took his binoculars from the desk drawer and starter to pointlessly look out on his little humans.

However, what grabbed his attention wasn't on the street. It was behind the one of the windows attached to the building across the road. Some woman and what looked like her husband were fucking on their couch. "My, my, you have no shame, Kiyoko-san."

Of course he knew who those people were; after all, he was the best informant in the city. Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from looking. He only wished that he had a bag of popcorns in order to better enjoy the view.

The woman was moaning like a bitch, or at least he thoughts so from constant opening of her mouth. The man was behind her, pounding her with his entire strength. It was a normal sex that those two were having; perhaps in order to conceive a child. In Izaya Orihara's mind, sex wasn't something that was pleasurable and if it was, he didn't know it. Still virgin at 24, he tried to explain sex as something that he didn't have any interest in.

Nevertheless, even he knew that it was a lie. After all, he didn't have any explanation for constant spaying, chasing, fighting, and then, safely in his empty apartment, masturbating with the thought of the hot monster. God only knew how many times this routine already happened. It always finished with Izaya jerking him self of with fingers tucked deep inside his ass and with Shizu-chan's face on his mind. So, why not? Why wouldn't he try to take things on another level? After all, if this many of his humans enjoy having someone else's dick inside them, perhaps, it wasn't so bad.

With that he started to form a plan in his mind; something that would make Shizu-chan wanting to sleep with him. With the little smirk on his face he already knew the perfect way of doing it. However, although the plan was solid, it wasn't without risks. If monster somehow found out that he was behind it, he will be planning a funeral. His own, of course.

So, he started to search the Web in order to find those pictures, he knew that they existed; it was from a new movie and he had already seen them... Oh, right; there they were... Then, it only remained for him to type a note... While holding a chess peace in his hand, he started to type, but couldn't help him self not to laugh as he looked at the little white king figurine.

"Hehe, Shizu-chan, this is going to be interesting."


Tomorrow morning, in Shizuo's apartment, somewhere in Ikebukuro, a letter has been delivered. Shizuo was just getting ready for another day of working with Tom-san and beating some low-lives who owed money when the yellow envelope on the floor attracted his attention. He opened it and the buzzing sound started to pound in his ears. All he could see was red and all he could think about was killing someone.

There were two things in it, a note and the photograph. It was a picture of Kasuka sitting on a chair bounded and restrained. Shizuo could see the blood on his head, and he looked as he was in pain. Then, he looked at the note; it was typed and large letters were even more horrifying to him. On the note was written: We are watching you; you have 24 hours to fuck Orihara Izaya. If you don't do it, your little brother dies.

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