Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

With the first light Shizuo opened his eyes and found himself in an unknown room that didn't belong to him. He was naked and entangled with sheets; but after one look at the body next to him, the realization had hit him. Everything that happened, the letter, the photograph, the note, Izaya, the sex; it all became clear to him. The absurdity of the whole situation made him question his sanity, but even HE couldn't deny the beauty in what happened with Izaya. He was his enemy, he knew that, but the redness in those eyes belonged to someone else, perhaps, to the real person behind all of these masks. Thus, the whole thing made Shizuo painfully confused.

He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do in this situation. Should he just leave? Or should he pretend to sleep until Izaya wakes? So, he stood up from the bad, and went to the bathroom. First thing first, and it this case, it was a bathroom. After pissing and putting his pants on, he went in the direction of what he considered to be Izaya's kitchen. That is what they do in the movies, right? After sex you make the breakfast. It made sense to him.

He banged up few eggs and put them in the pan; when the thought crossed his mind. He didn't try to call Kasuka. Thus, he grabbed the phone from his front pocket and dialed the number. Even though it was early, down really, he needed to know if he was ok. Few seconds after, the sleepy, but monotone voice answered.

"Hey, are you ok? Did they release you?" he started to talk really fast, but soon the same unemotional voice stopped him.

"What are you talking about? Did who release me?" At that moment Shizuo's blood started to slowly boil. Second after second, realizing the inevitable, he was getting angrier. His mind started to put together all the puzzle pieces and the phone in his hand just cracked.

"Iza-ya!!!" he started to shout taking the first thing in his hand, which was in this case the pan, and headed up straight to the Izaya's room. The sleeping form in the bad started to move a little, confused with the shouting when it was faced with scrambled eggs which ended up all over him. The pan hit the wall behind his head leaving the ugly mark.

"Oh, I see that you found out. Nevertheless, I would appreciate if you would stop throwing things at me, at least as long as I have your sperm inside my ass. It is all gross, and I am sticky." Izaya was being Izaya, and Shizuo was ready to murder him. But the words he said were ringing in his head. That was right; they had sex yesterday, if you can call it that. It was more like love making. Shit. What? Love making? Shit. He wasn't right in his head. If he didn't get out from this place, he was sure Izaya would be dead. So, he turned around and only in his pants started to do the walk of shame.


Izaya was still lying on his bad, now covered with eggs. He knew this would happen; even the monster wasn't stupid enough not to connect the dots. One phone call to Kasuka would be enough to do that. But as soon as memories of the previous day came to his mind, he was feeling regretful. Perhaps, he went too far, with involving Shizuo's brother. Nevertheless, he still had the audacity to tell him self that it was worth it. After all, what he has done with Shizuo was more special than he could ever hoped for. And, he knew that any other plan of persuasion would never work.

So, he stood up and went to the shower. As he already said, the sperm was still in his ass and he was all gross, and sticky. He slowly walked to the bathroom, his lower back hurt a bit, but it was manageable. Sooner or later he had to go to Ikebukuro in order to cash out his blank check. With the Shizuo's apartment marked with a big X, he smiled, not smirked, but actually smiled. It was going better than he had hoped. He was still alive, and now he knew that Shizuo was IT for him. It only remained to persuade his enemy into seeing that Izaya was IT for him, as well.


Once in the front of Shizuo's door, Izaya knocked slowly. Few seconds later, he saw still half naked Shizuo staring back at him.

"What do you want?"

"To cash my blank check, obviously." After hearing that Shizuo started to grind with his teeth. The murderous desire was taking hold of him again.

"You really have no shame, flee. You have five seconds to leave if you want to live. I swear to you, I will kill you." But then, Izaya's respond cut that time in half, as it was playing on the line of Shizuo's patience.

"My, my, Shizu-chan, all I want is what you have promised. It's not my fault that you are this stupid. I have always known that, but I thought that you had some principles, you know? Deal is a deal? And all that shit."

Shizuo was ready to snap his neck in two, but Izaya was right about one thing, deal was a deal. He promised, and his word was worth something.

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Don't be so angry, Shizu-chan" Izaya started "I asked for only one thing, but you know it was wherever and whenever I wanted it. So, I want to fuck with you, again, again, and again, until I grow bored of you."

Shizuo mouth was opened, he couldn't believe the nerve that fucking flee was having? After all of this, he wanted sex? Did he want that all along?

"Is this a joke?" he voiced his final thought out loud.

"I don't want to disappoint you, Shizu-chan; but sadly for you, I am being serious here. That is what I want, and if I want something I take it." He turned around in order to leave, but on his way out, he said one more thing.

"Come to my apartment, tomorrow night. Deal is a deal."

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