Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

That day was an important moment in famous informant's life. It was a day when Izaya for the first time ever showed his ugly human side to someone else. And surprisingly for him, he was not rejected. So, when he found himself naked both body and soul next to the man he loved with all of his heart he felt as if he was the luckiest creature alive. Something inside him broke but the feeling wasn't bad; it wasn't wrong; he just wasn't used to it.

It felt odd thinking that he was loved in the return. And, even if he wasn't God to all of his humans, he was the most important person to someone who meant a world to him. Thus, while he looked in the stars of Shizuo's eyes he was fully aware that it was a place where he belonged.

Strong arms never left his body; they were hugging him as if he was a precious thing. They made him feel safe. However, at the same time he couldn't help but want more. He wanted Shizuo in every way possible. His hands traced the lines of other's existence in the most intimate and in the most primitive of ways; never stopping and always traveling further.

Hot breath on his neck was a dream that took him over all borders. Shizuo's whispers so close to his skin were sending shivers down his spine. He wanted to link their bodies, to feel the connection even deeper. He wanted Shizuo, and the hardness of other's length was a perfect giveaway that the blond wanted him as well.

There wasn't any pause, and as though it was all an old black and white movie their lips finally met gently exploring, finding meaning in life. Tongues traced the lines of lips, teeth bit and heat flooded all of his senses.

When the blond sucked the lines of his neck listening to the pulse of his heart Izaya moaned.

"Please, Shizu-chan...I need to feel you, now." It was a plea and it was an order. Soft volume of his voice said more then the words itself. However, Shizuo didn't move, didn't even blink.

"I don't want to hurt you, not ever again."

"What are you talking about?"

"Last time, when we... There was blood... and I..." Shizuo looked so cute with his worried expression, and the other couldn't stop the smile that was sneaking up on the edges of his lips.

"It doesn't hurt. And we are past that anyway. All I want is to feel you; few blood drops here and there are ridiculously low price to pay for it."


"For fuck's sake." Izaya was almost laughing as he opened the first drawer of his dresser and thrown a black expensive looking tube with gold letters.

"Oh. Has the pharmacist lady looked you funny as well?"

"No, I ordered it online."

Shizuo's expression was priceless, but Izaya wanted to feel him and nothing could stop the emptiness that he felt without him; not even the desire to tease the other.

"Please don't make me beg for it."

Shizuo's hands were shaky, but the face heated a little. And then, he smiled. It was the prettiest thing Izaya has ever seen. He kissed soft lips again when he felt wet fingers tracing the rim of his entrance. There wouldn't be much foreplay, or much teasing. The desire to become one was stronger than any other they ever felt.

A finger slipped inside him, gently pushing, coating Izaya's inner walls; cuddling them. Then, another finger joined. This didn't last more then few moments anyway; whispers and quiet moans telling Shizuo to hurry. He put lube on himself squishing harder then he needed and slowly pushed inside the warmth.

Shizuo didn't stop until he was buried as deep as he could; hushed breaths escaping his mouth; watery eyes and big smile decorating his face. He could stay like this forever; it was about pleasure; but even more, it was about belonging, being one.

He started to move, in and out while feeling Izaya tightening around him, as if he didn't want to ever let go of the other. He was opening up to the hardness that was inside him; and Shizuo pushed again still looking at the red lights that illuminated his existence; another push.

"Please, don't stop. I want to feel you like this forever."

"I won't."

Then, another push; thrusts kept following; each stronger then the previous one, but still slow, still gentle. Moans filled the room, and Izaya was being hugged yet again. He felt Shizuo's chest pressing hard against him; Shizuo's arms on his back pulling him towards, linking their souls even more. They were so close that he could hear the other's heart beating for him, living for him. He didn't mind that his own heart also had another purpose, another owner. It belonged to the blond.

Another push; the slapping of the skin could be heard. They were so close, they were one.

"You know, I think that I loved you since the moment I have met you." Izaya stated, half moaned really. But it was a truth and he knew that Shizuo knew; nevertheless, it was something that he needed to say.


"Yea. And I know that I will love you always, even after I am dead."

"Yea? And I will chase you forever; I will forever walk beside you; never leaving your side."

"I know."

Another push; Bodies and souls were intertwined, merged, and the both of them felt complete. Shizuo was filling his cold heart with heat, his lonely soul with love, and his insides with strength.

Another push; another growl; another moan. It felt like they were making love for hours. Just two of them in the entire world; never wanting to stop; never wanting to let go.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep going." Shizuo said.

"It's ok, just don't ever pull away."

Shizuo pushed hard, harder then before; his movement getting uncontrolled. The thrusts were faster, more rampant. Izaya moaned louder, still don't closing his eyes as if he was afraid that it was all a dream and that he may wake up every second. Shizuo's name was on his lips as his arms hugged with all of his might; as his dick was spilling out; as his orgasm exploded; as he clenched hard around the other's cock; as Shizuo was filling him as well with his own hot essence.

And Izaya wasn't sure, and he didn't even know what he did in order to deserve this happiness. He didn't know how, and it didn't even matter; but he succeeded in persuading his enemy that there was something inside him that was worth loving.

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