Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The morning Sun came rushing thru the window. For a second Izaya didn't know where he was, or why he was there. Then the memories came crashing his mind.

"Inside; I want your dick inside. I want you to bury it inside to the hilt. I want you to shove it so hard that I cannot walk for another week. I want you to tear me inside. I want you to push it again and again. I want to come with your dick inside me. I want you, Shizu-chan... God, I want you so much..."

Fuck. His face was already red. He could blame it all on the alcohol. But it was really his own fault. No one made him drink that expensive shitty vodka last night. He was drunk of his mind if he thought that it was a good idea to voice his own thoughts out loud. Even to himself he sounded like same cheep prostitute wanting a dick. Fuck. He wasn't even sure how he managed to embarrass him self that much.

He took a look around. The last thing he remembered was asking Shizu-chan to fuck him harder. That was on the couch. So, how he was in the bad? And, is that Shizu-chan's arm over his still naked body? He must have carried Izaya here after he fell asleep still clenching around dick that was inside him. Fuck again.

His chicks are even redder now. He looked down on his tights. There were no sperm, no blood there. He wasn't sure if Shizuo managed to tear him up again. It was a possibility to say at least. After all, he was big, and they didn't use the lube, again. Not that he minded that. It hurt a bit, but pain was nothing in comparison to the pleasure that he always felt with Shizuo filling him in. He must have cleaned him. Fuck. He was even more embarrassed now. The redness on his face couldn't get any brighter.

He looked at Shizuo's face. He was sleeping peacefully. It was a surreal feeling, looking at a man who was always angry, always full of emotion, now just having a blank expression, closed eyes, and slightly open mouth. He looked like he was just human. However, to Izaya he could never be just something; not when he was everything. That made him feel guilty. It was an unknown emotion to him. He almost never felt regret. And now, after seeing Shizuo lying next to him, he knew that it wasn't right what he did. It wasn't right to lie, plan, and scheme about something that was suppose to be pure. He remembered the first time they fucked (made love). He shouldn't have made Shizuo sleep with him. He felt disgusting to himself.

So, he gently took away the hand that was embracing him, stood up from the bad, and went in the direction of his clothes. This whole thing needed to end. Shizu-chan deserved better; a chance to find someone who was nice, not someone damaged like him. He thought about some pretty girl hugging Shizuo, of them laughing, being happy, and it made him feel a painful tightening in his chest. Hate needed to be enough for him. Thus, he put on his clothes and with it he put on his usual mask. With a fake smirk on his face, Izaya left the apartment.


Few hours later Shizuo woke up in an empty bad. Of course that Izaya was gone. What else did he expect? For flee it was all a game. A single thought of the informant in his arms after he fell asleep was rushing thru his mind. Then he thought about someone else's hands around him, and the anger already took over. But still, he was happy that at least he got that much out of him. A simple chance to keep him close was enough. Beggars cannot be choosers. He felt like a dog that was waving his tail after getting thrown a peace of bread; still hungry but happy for the attention that his master was giving to him. He wanted to kill him self for feeling this much of self-pity.

So he stood up in order to get to the shower. He felt dirty. After all, he only wiped out his dick last night. Then, he felt his chest contracting with a single thought of blood that was mixed up with his semen in Izaya's ass and on his tights.

He was so stupid. He should have had the right amount of mind to use the fucking lube. He asked himself if Izaya was always left a bit bloody after these encounters that they had. And, it made him feel like the worst shit ever. It must have hurt like hell, but the informant hasn't complained once about it. He would need to get the lube for the next time, and to rent some fucking gay porn to see if he was doing everything right. Just a thought of the pharmacist and the rent out guy looking at him with judgment, made him grant his teeth. It was going to be embarrassing but it needed to be done.

Later that day, on his way back from the horrifying encounters that he had, he managed to catch a glimpse of something black with fur; Izaya. So, he started to move in his direction. He called out and flee turned. Just for a second he looked like a dear caught in a light. However, the expression on his face was replaced with the usual smirk just as soon.

"Shizu-chan, acting civilized this time; no wending machines, no stop-signs." The little shit acted as if nothing happened in the last two weeks. Shizuo just geared at him.

"I missed you this morning. Next time don't just sneak out like that..." but he was soon interrupted with a voice that was cold yet falsely charming.

"Next time? There won't be a next time, Shizu-chan. The deal is off. Now if you would excuse me. I am on my way to met someone." Izaya just turned around and started to walk in the direction of the black car that was parked down the street. Shizuo stood there, looking like he was slapped on the face. He could almost feel the hand around his heart tightening, suffocating him.

For some unknown reason to him, his vision was getting blurry and he could feel the wetness on his cheeks. It must be the rain, but the rain didn't start. He looked at Izaya now talking with the man in the car. He was leaning to the back-door window smiling. He was certain then and there that flee had left him because he was having something with this man. He must be the one that was sleeping with Izaya.

The anger was all consuming. His mind was blank with one thought, and one thought only; kill, kill, kill.


Izaya felt like shit, but the job was a job. He was leaning in on the car, talking to Shiki-san, just getting ready to come inside when he heard the crashing sound. In a blink of an eye he turned around just in time to see Shizu-chan picking up the red car parked next to him, wiggling it over the head and throwing it in his direction. Thank God that Shiki-san opened the door and Izaya walked inside. In the moment he thought that he would die for real, but the chauffeur stepped on the gas and the car started to move. That was close.

"Orihara-san, you should be more careful in dealings with Heiwajima-san. One of these days we might need to be arranging a funeral."

Izaya wasn't sure if it was a threat for Shizuo, or a well-indented advise for him, but he just smiled the best he could, still maintaining the mask on his face and asked about the case.

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